About a month ago, I was at a friends house with my very anti-social munchkin. She has been stuck in this phase of crying and screaming when we are around people. It’s awesome. What kind of baby hates people!? Obviously it would be mine out of anyone’s. She must get it from me – I sometimes hate people too, but I don’t scream bloody murder when they smile or look at me.
So during this insane fit, my friend runs to her garage and brings in this crazy contraption that her 2 kids have since grown out of. She insisted that it would work miracles. Anything was worth trying as I sat there chugging my glass of wine to calm my nerves. She sets everything up and we threw the baby in and instantly the screams and tears turned into giggles. I sat there in awe as my munchkin bounced up and down with a ginormous smile on her face. I really believe this bouncy-jumper seat thing was sent from above-a gift from the Gods.
She is obsessed with it and I kinda am too. It occupies her for hours and I can actually get things done around the house. And when she gets into her “I hate everyone” moods, I just throw her in there and she practically leaps to the ceiling. Why the HELL didn’t anyone tell me about this thing before!? How am I supposed to know about all these crazy toys and seats and miracle-working things?? I spent my pre-baby days shopping, working, drinking and partying-not researching potential baby products in case one day I get knocked up. Even when I was pregnant, I barely had enough time to do it – I was too busy waddling to the toilet, puking my brains out multiples times a day.
I blame everyone for not telling me this sooner.
So I going to spread the word to anyone who’ll listen- kids or no kids – invest in the greatest invention ever. Do it. NOW!
Oh, and did I mention it wears the kid out like no ones business?!?