October 6, 2011

Month of Firsts


The people-hater baby of mine turns 6 months old tomorrow. Every one says how each month she changes, she gets bigger, does new things, blah blah – yeah, I know, I get it. But I was under the impression that she will stay littles for at least one or two more months. Not use the side of the crib as a jungle gym/teether!

This morning I walked in on her STANDING, holding on to the crib sides while chewing her little heart out on the nice and very expensive crib. After taking my obligatory picture for my husband and screaming,  I said to myself, “uhhhh what the FUCK is going on.” This is not normal. Isn’t she supposed to ease me into to all these changes and not spring them on me all at once? I guess not.

I was mentally prepared for most of the firsts, like eating solids and holding the bottle by herself. Even the waving and giving kisses thing (I kinda shoved that down her throat until she got it ;-)) But the 2 teeth that sprouted, the crawling, the pulling herself up and standing thing..not so much.

We have 12 hours left in the day. If she says her first word or starts walking, I think I may jump out the window. Ok, so that might be a bit dramatic but all theses firsts make me realize how quick these little pains in the asses grow. Tear. Sorry to get all “mom” on you guys. I promise it won’t happen again-well not for a few days at least.

On that note, is it too early for a glass of wine?