December 9, 2011

Bah Humbug


I ventured out to the stores finally to get some Christmas shopping done and all Ihave to say is bitches be crazy!!! Seriously, I must have encountered every douche bag on the face of the earth.

For every 1 nice person I ran into, 5 aholes were right there behind them. I thought this was the “joyous” time of year when everyone is supposed to happy and spread good cheer and crap like that? I was sorely mistaken. Apparently it’s the time of year to be a an obnoxious d-bag and an ungrateful jerk. I promise you, I am not exaggerating. I was practically pushed into a rack of clothes by some old hag. Not even an I’m sorry or excuse me. Then as I was leaving a store I held the door for a couple. Isnt that shopping ettiqete? They just walked out and completely ignored the nice gesture. I of course loudly screamed “YOU’RE WELCOME!!!”. That didn’t even phase that stuck up lame asses.

Its pretty damn funny, but I noticed the different attitudes with people when I’m with Baby A. I encounter really nice people that start convos with me and talk to her. She loves, I could live with out it but ofcourse being the nice person I am I partake in the friendly banter. Sans Baby A it’s a whole different ball game. That’s when the aholes and jerkoff ‘s climb out of their holes. Isn’t it ironic? Dontcha think?


#Christmas Shopping#Confessions#Cyber Monday#Holidays#Shopping