January 21, 2013

The Stomach Bug That Wouldn’t Die


I feel so out of the loop! Been completely MIA and I owe it all to a stomach virus that invaded my body last week. Apparently it has been going around in the South Florida area like the Flu has up north. BLEH. I thought I got some food poisoning but then it started infecting my other family members. It went to 4 different people in the past week….the damn thing just would go away! It was the absolute worst and I couldn’t be happier that this thing has moved on from my poor family and we can get back to normal!

Now, I have had food poisoning more than any human should but this is the first time I’ve had this kind of illness with a kid. Normally I would just lay in bed and not move but when you have to think about taking care of your kiddo and trying to peel yourself out of bed, its impossible. I am fortunate to have family close but for all those who aren’t that lucky….I just don’t know how you do it and really respect those mom and dads!

So the point of this story – be careful out there everyone! You never know who has what or what virus is looming around. Be extra neurotic during this crazy flu/virus season wash hands like a crazy person, carry extra hand sanitizer and wipes! A little precaution goes a long way–last thing you need to have happen is have your head in a toilet for 24 hrs!


#Extra Sanatary Caution#Flu#Food Poisoning#Influenza#Stomach Bug#Stomach Virus