September 6, 2012

Creative Meal Ideas For Toddlers


I have hit a freaking brick wall with meals ideas to serve my little girl. Add in her picky palate (which came out of NOWHERE!) its beginning to become a chore trying to figure out what to feed her. And I have plenty of chores, I surely don’t need to add another to the list. Now, I know I have addressed this in my post last week, but its getting to become extreme. One day she eats the entire plate full of food, then like Cybill, she switches gears the next day and my floor is covered in her dissatisfied…

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August 30, 2012

The Odd Eating Habits of a Toddler


Feeding an infant > Feeding a toddler. Sometimes I feel like banging my head against my granite counter tops during meal times. What happened to the sweet little cutie that would eat whatever I would puree with gusto? Remember when you thought it was so cute when they had a messy face full of sweet potatoes – those were the days. I can’t even remember the transition of it being cute to thinking: “OMG if she throws peas on the floor one more time and I step on them my head is going to explode!”. Then you find some days…

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