Its funny how a year and a baby changes your whole way of thinking. Every year, my family asks for everyone’s Christmas wishlist so we don’t go insane trying to find the perfect gift for everyone. Typically, mine list would consist of 5 basic things: Shoes, Clothes, Jewelry, Gift Cards and some type of electronic. This year was a tad different. Obviously clothes were still on the list, but so were other things that will help make my life easier. Like cooking appliances and a large bag so I can fit all Baby A’s stuff in on the go. Times they are a-changing. So I came up with some great ideas for new mommies to make their lives a bit easier and keep them from getting locked up in a kook-koo’s nest.
This would be my ideal gift. Sometimes typical diaper bags are great and functional and all, but I miss carrying around a nice bag.This Michael Kors tote is amazing! roomy enough for a stash of diapers, wipes, a few toys, back up outfit, bottle and your wallet!
2. Slow Cooker
This item is on my Christmas list this year. I hear all the damn time how great these are. You just put your ingredients in, cover and let it cook all day. Then by dinner time, you have a complete meal. How perfect is that for a busy mom??! I read about all these amazing recipes and I have been dying to try them but you need a damn slow cooker! This is the ultimate time saving gift.
3. Gift Cards
Gift cards for your local grocery store, your favorite clothing shop or just a plain old American Express gift card is great. You can buy food, wine, or even a little somethin’-somethin’ for yourself.
4. TOMs Shoes
I know what you are thinking, I am obsessed with TOMS. And I slightly am. They are so comfortable! When ever I am getting dressed its usually a mad dash to get ready before the baby either wakes up or is preoccupied with her toys. So my outfits have to be easy to put on so I can be out the door and these shoes are the best! I can walk for days in them and just slip them on and off with no problem. They come in all different colors and fabrics.
5. Necklace
Ok, so this one won’t make your life easier but it sure will mean the most! I got this as a gift right after I had Baby A from my husband. I have it in silver with Baby A’s initials. Its my absolute favorite necklace and truly means the world to me.
So if you are stumped on what to get the new mom in your life or any mom for that matter, try one of these. Also, I don’t think any woman would turn down a day of pampering…just another suggestion.
Only 6 shopping days left…