About a year ago I got sucked into an infomercial starring Cindy Crawford and how she is in cahoots with some French anti-aging scientist specialist who found the secret to youthful skin. I mean, have you seen Cindy Crawford? She’s beyond stunning….and looks like she could pass for 25. Whore (jk, kinda).
Since I hit 30 my skin just isn’t looking like it used. It’s like everything went south and decided to start wrinkling as soon as I woke up on my 30th birthday. So after about 5 minutes into the infomercial, I was all about it – hook, line and sinker. My darling husband must have been tired of hearing me complain about my droopy lines and wrinkly face and about 3 weeks after Christmas a box arrived. MY NEW FACE courtesy of Meaningful Beauty!
I’m totally going to look 23 again, right Cindy????!
So the box came jammed pack with goodies – a bunch of brochures and a bag full of 30-day samples including:
- Creme de Serum
- Skin Softening Cleanser
- Antioxidant Day Crème Broad Spectrum SPF 20
- Skin Brightening Décolleté and Neck Treatment Broad Spectrum SPF 15
- Lifting Eye Crème – Advanced Formula
Plus 2 bonus ‘gifts’:
- Travel Size Glowing Serum
- Wrinkle Smoothing Capsules – Advanced Formula

the goodies
Mine didn’t come with the Creme de Serum for some reason….but if you order now, you will receive it. I think that might be the ‘magical’ melon extract serum that you hear Cindy and Dr. Sebagh talk about in the infomercial-the one that keeps your skin looking young. You get a little plastic bag to hold all your goodies in and booklets that tell you how, when and why to apply each. After the first full day you will have it pretty much down pat.
You have to love the mentality this generations “instant gratification”, I was expecting my face to tighten and transform in a week! Ha! Clearly I drank the Meaningful Beauty Kool-Aid. I tried it for over a month. Every morning, washing my face with the face wash, patting my face dry ever so gently then applying the daily moisturizer, glowing serum, under eye cream and on certain days the neck and chest creams. The serum gives your face a nice glow through the day. On days I would go with out make up, I would get compliments on how good my skin looked. Mind you-I was newly pregnant at the time and was questioning if it was because people thought I had a preggo “glow” or if the stuff was really working!
The under eye cream I am still having my doubts on. It is supposed to smooth out your bags and take away some the dark coloring. I felt like it was puffing my eyes out and giving me giant bags every day. So some days I’d use it and some I didn’t. The jury is still out on this one..
At night, I repeated with the face wash, patted and applied the under eye cream and night time face cream. I would wake up with my face feeling smooth and nourished. The night cream stays on wonderfully and you really wake up feeling the farthest from dry, especially during the cold winter months that really dries your skin out.
I absolutely loved the Glowing Serum, it smelt like citrus and really added a nice glow to your face. The day & night lotions also had a refreshing smell. Now, the thing about Meaningful Beauty is that it’s a subscription, so you have to renew it every month. At first you can order a 30-day supply or a 90-day supply. I am thinking about giving it a shot for another 3 months, see how my skin reacts over a longer period of time, because the 30-day trial I had really seemed to perk up my face. And any women out there knows how ugly you tend to feel sometimes during pregnancy, and I seriously have a case of the uglies right now but knowing that my face is feeling better and blemishes have reduced boosts my confidence overall.
I’d love to hear from anyone out there who has tried this for longer than 30 days. I am still extremely skeptical and still on the fence about continuing. Do you think it is really worth it!?
– Amanda