For anyone who has been in my company can attest to the fact that I have quite the sailor mouth. Might not be the classiest thing about me, but it just comes out way too naturally. Everyone keeps telling me I have to cool it with the curses because I have a toddler who is quickly turning into a parrot. I just yeah’d them to death and continued on my way.
So yesterday when my toddler dropped one of her toys and yelled out, “Oh, F#$%!” is when I took everyone’s statement a little more seriously. Not only did she drop an f-bomb, but used it in the right context! I didn’t know whether or not I should be proud or smack her! But hearing that word come out of her tiny mouth sent me into hysterics. My husband looked at me with disappointment as I sat there with my back to her laughing my ass off! Obviously I am to blame here. After I composed myself, I reassured him that it must have been just a one time thing, and she won’t remember it if we don’t make a big deal about it since it was only once.
In the car not 15 minutes later she did it again! F-bombing because she dropped her GoldFish. I lost it again and now my husband was fuming. He calmly said “We don’t use that word, Ava” as I tried to compose myself from acting like an 8 year old who just heard the word fart or something. As of now, the word has yet to leave her mouth again but we have to take precaution now with what comes out of our mouths, because lets face it, shes not learning it on Disney Jr or PBS.

oh ralphie.
5 Precautions to help avoid your toddler becoming a Potty Mouth:
- Stop your own
damndarn cursing. - Warn others who are around the child of their own swearing.
- If he/she does use a curse, don’t make a big deal about it or react because that will push them to use it again.
- Calmly explain that the word is not nice or acceptable in the house.
- If it presists, implement a punishment.
So far we are in the clear, as long as I can keep my cursing under control, but shoot, it’s going to be fudging hard as all h-e double hockey sticks.
Did/Do you have this issue with your toddler? How did you handle the potty mouth phase?
Or am I totally effed in the a?
– Amanda