May 16, 2013

Organizing Your Life: De-cluttering Papers & Bills


I am probably the most unorganized person on the planet, but am trying to learn how to organize my life and de-clutter pretty much everything around me. Because seriously, I can’t freaking stand all the crap around anymore, it’s driving me insane!!!

This is what usually happens in my house when we get our mail: it piles on our buffet until I can’t stand looking at it anymore, so I then shove it into our very small mail organizer on the counter.


ew im gross.

After a few weeks, it looks like it’s about to burst at the seams with bills, letters and whatever I end up shoving in it. My nesting phase has started pretty damn early with this pregnancy, and just looking at it all makes my skin crawl. I knew I had to do something, but what?

I tried filing them away in our Tupperware filing bins, but that turned into an even bigger disaster.

I tried shredding things after reading them, but that just got old-fast.

I had to think outside the box. They say if you de-clutter things around you, your head is able to function better and I’m a firm believer in that because my head was spinning with all the piles of papers around my kitchen. I noticed on various blogs and Pinterest, people using binders to organize their family budgets and bills. Printing out spreadsheets and calendars to further help organize their bills and paper work. Now, this is sooooo not like me to even contemplate, but I am desperate!

I headed over to Target and got some supplies: a binder, dividers, and sheet inserts. I sat down with a pad of paper and grouped our bills and came up with a system that fit our family and divided the binder in to specific section: Monthly Bills, House Hold Miscellaneous, Cars, Healthcare, Financial, 1 for my husbands personal things and 1 for myself and daughter. After figuring the basics out, I grabbed all the piles of crap and bundled them into each group. Took me no longer than 20 minutes to get everything done.


neat, tidy and concise.

The piles are gone, the mail organizer is neat and tidy and my brain doesn’t feel like a hoarder lives in there. I have been using it for about 2 weeks now, and so far so good. I never thought I’d use anything like this to organize my daily life, but it seems to be doing the job. But now for the bigger test…keeping it up!

How do you organize your bills/budget/family?


#binder for bills#binder system for bills#binder system for monthly bills#family bill binder#family organization#how to organize#how to stay organized#keeping your life organized#monthly bill organization#organaizing important papers#organizing#organizing daily bills#organizing papers#organizing your bills#organizing your life#staying organized