I am late to jump on the Trader Joe’s bandwagon, but I fully blame that on Trader Joe himself, because the closest one to our house is over 2 hours away. Luckily that is changing in the near future to only 40 minutes away – and I couldn’t be more excited.
Until then, who ever is near one will help out this preggo and bring back my favorite item…the hidden jewel of all the delicious products under the Trader Joe’s roof: Milk Chocolate Covered Toffee Popcorn.
Should I say it again? Milk Chocolate. Toffee. Popcorn.
I can’t even begin to tell you how incredible these are. Sweet, salty, crunchy and utterly incredible. I mean, how can you not enjoy popcorn covered in crunchy toffee and milk chocolate. I’ll be honest with you guys, I have 3 bags in my pantry right now. And I’ve already plowed through 2. They are addictive! And I have zero will power when it comes to these things.
So my challenge for all you Trader Joe-er’s out there, is there anything else in that store that can beat the deliciousness that is the chocolate toffee covered popcorn?!! Please share to this newbie!!
Hope everyone had a great weekend and it feels good to be back on the blog after a couple weeks of craziness. Can’t wait to catch up on all the posts I’ve missed!
– Amanda