You all are probably with familiar with the saying, “Mom knows best”, right? Now that I’m a mom I think I fall into that category of knowing, if I do say so my self. But I’ll get my head out of my ass and face reality and just leave that up to my favorite veteran mom, my own: JeanneGirl. I’m tellin’ you, if I have a question about cooking, cleaning, discount shopping or how to get a stain out of something-she knows. Now that I thinking back to my child hood and adolescence, it’s safe to say she was a freak of nature because we always had a clean house, stocked fridge and pantry, fresh laundry daily and a gourmet meal on the table ever night. If only I could keep my house 1/2 as clean as she does and not have a dinner fail at least once a week, I’d consider myself lucky!
So that brings me to the subject at hand…strawberries. I keep at least 2 cartons of these lusciously sweet fruits in my fridge at all time. We all love them, especially my 2 year old. But I usually end up throwing away about 1/2 of my second carton every time because of the nasty fuzz that ends up growing on them not even a week later. Can’t tell you how painful it is to throw out those strawberries…such a waste of money!
JeanneGirl recently added a new trick to her arsenal of secret household remedies and it will save your berries! What she found out was the secret to keeping your strawberries fresh is how you store them.
Those easy plastic containers they come in are doing more harm then good. What she told me to do is get a cardboard box-like an old gift box or get creative and use an old English Muffin holder or make your own like we did. By storing them in a box covered with a paper towel or light weight dish towel, your strawberries will stay fresher and fuzz free for longer than a week! I tried it with our last batch of berries and it worked like a charm!
So ditch the plastic and get your berries in a box. I promise you will thank me my mom.
– Amanda