Motivation to get back in shape after baby #2 has been terribly hard for me. The little free time I have is usually dedicated to showering, cleaning or sitting on my sagging rear end. So needless to say, days where I can hit the gym are few and far between. When I was approached to attend a blogger fitness class in the Union Planters Plaza in Ft. Lauderdale, I thought maybe this would be the wake up call my tired ass needed.
Enter Pure Barre (aka my newest obsession).
I have heard about Barre classes for years, just never knew exactly what it was until the other day. Basically Pure Barre is a total body workout that utilizes the ballet barre to perform small, isometric movements, which burn fat, sculpt muscles and create long, lean physiques. You are literally using every, and I mean EVERY muscle you never knew you had! We visited Pure Barre Ft. Lauderdale, which is corporately owned and opened this past October. Let me tell you something – I was in pain with in the first 3 minutes. My muscles in my legs and abs were shaking and I was fighting back the urge to give up but the motivation of our instructor pushed me through. The class is 55 minutes and began with toning arms, then moved to thighs, your rear and finished up the class with abs. Each section kicked my butt hardcore. After a 3 year hiatus from working out, this class completely turned me around and I’m seriously addicted! All thanks to Aileen over at who set up the class for us bloggers.
I was a little intimidated before going to Pure Barre Ft. Lauderdale since 1. It’s been so long since I’ve worked out and 2. I am the farthest thing from a dancer. Good news is you don’t need to have any experience what so ever in the dancing realm to take this class. Mandi, our instructor, walked us all through each move so we had the correct form and answered any questions we had. The room is mirrored and a ballet barre surrounds the walls. I’ll tell you what, apparently there is a dancer inside that has been dying to come out because once I grabbed onto that barre, I felt like I could do some plie like a pro…although in reality, I probably looked a bit deranged. Doesn’t matter, I AM a dancer!!!
Before each class starts, you grab a small rubber ball, weights (2lbs, 3 lbs or 5 lbs), and rubber bands. If weights or the resistance bands are too much for you, you don’t need to use them. The ball is placed either high or low between your thighs while doing certain movements. Squeezing and lifting your pelvis/abdominals is what it’s all about. So when I say you are working muscles that haven’t been worked, I mean it! I left the class feeling like I was going to pass out, but it oddly enough I couldn’t stop thinking and talking about the class. I needed to do this again…and if I can get my body to look half as good as Mandi’s, sign me up! If you are looking for long, lean and toned muscles, Pure Barre is definitely for you.
Best part about it is they have some great specials for new clients, new moms and bride-to-be’s. Pure Barre Ft. Lauderdale offers new mommies a ‘Baby Bounce Back’. So what exactly is the Baby Bounce Back? 3 months of unlimited classes for $375 (same for you brides!) I know first hand how hard it is to get back both mentally and physically after children and the strength you get from just 55 minutes a day will help you get back to where you need to be. I’ve taken 3 classes thus far and feel better than ever! If you want to try out a class, it’s just $23 each time you go, and check with your local studio for their monthly specials. They even have a convenient app for the iPhone so you to schedule/cancel classes.
Pure Barre Ft. Lauderdale is having their GRAND OPENING starting this Friday, January 31st thru Sunday, February 2nd 2014. They kick off festivities with Friend Friday (bring a friend and they take the class for free), on Saturday February 1st they have a free ‘Breaking Down The Barre’ class where they explain the in’s and out’s, so it’s perfect for newbies, a ribbon cutting ceremony, fun raffles, prizes, free cocktails, food and sales on certain merchandise. It will be a great way to check out the space, and meet the awesome staff.
Pictured is Mandi (fab instructor, take a class with her if you can!) with Jeannine, the manager of Pure Barre Ft. Lauderdale. They are so sweet and will help get your butt lookin’ great!
Don’t forget your sticky socks! Pure Barre is done in your socks ladies, so you will need these bad boys when doing it. They grip the rug so you can stay perfect in your poses.
I hope you check out the fun that is Pure Barre Ft. Lauderdale for yourself – Especially this weekend! Can’t wait to get in to another class and LTB!
Check them out on Twitter, Facebook & Instagram for updates, class schedules and inspiration!
– Amanda
Pure Barre Ft.Lauderdale – located at 2408 N Federal Hwy, Fort Lauderdale FL 33305 in the Union Planters Plaza right by Whole Foods & Dicks Sporting Goods.
p: 954-566-2202