December 10, 2014

#SoMe2 ~ Social Media Link Party with Google+

#SoMe2 ~ Social Media Link Party with Google+
Happy Tuesday, everybody! This week, I am participating in #SoMe2 Link Party with the fabulous Kim from Enjoy the View, DeDe from Design Decor, Sarah C. from Little Red Brick House, Susan from Country Design Home and Sarah V. from Creative Ramblings. I was lucky to win their featured Blogger of the Week! Whoohoo! I am so honored to be apart of this, as I have met so many wonderful bloggers through it every week. Thank you ladies for allowing me to share in this awesomely fantastic Link Party! Be sure to link up your Google+ accounts – It’s all about growing & engaging!
Now let’s party!
– Amanda
Come join the Social Media Link Party!!!Welcome to #SoMe2 – Week #63
SOcial MEdia is all about ENGAGEMENT, and as bloggers, we want to do more than find new followers – we want to grow our engagement! At the #SoMe2 parties, we will link up a different Social Media platform and blog post from that platform each week.

This week we are growing and engaging with Google+!

For Google+, the more we +1 and comment on each other’s posts, the more engaged we become, and that makes the SOcial MEdia “algorithms” happy! So link up, and start commenting!!


It's time for the #SoMe2 #Google Party! Join us, link up your Google+ account, a blog post you've posted on Google+, and enter to win a featured blogger spot! #socialmedia #network #linkparty


The more you put in to this SOcial MEdia link party, the more you will get out!
Don’t link and run – follow, +1, comment – tell your friends!!

#SoMe2 is a SOcial MEdia link party where we link up 2 items every  

Tuesday @ 7:00pm EST!

Image Map
We are pleased to introduce our #SoMe2 featured blogger of the week…
Amanda from The Anti Mom Blog!

Amanda has shared this with us:

Tackling every day life with two kids under the age of 3, a husband and a crazy family, it can completely consume you! Along with trying to figure out the balance between being a mom, wife, sister, daughter, aunt, blogger and friend, I wanted to also stay true to ‘me’. The Anti Mom Blog’s philosophy is that being a mom shouldn’t be your only identity, it should enhance the already awesome one you have! I wanted to give other mom’s and mommies-to-be a place to come and learn the truth of everyday parenthood and give them a laugh or two along the way! 

Thanks, Amanda!

Would you like to be a #SoMe2 featured blogger?
Everyone who enters the Rafflecopter each week will have a
chance to win a spot as our featured blogger. We will feature your blog,
and links to your social media. Your links will be inserted into the
Rafflecopter for that week – gaining you more followers.
So be sure to enter to win the weekly featured blogger spot!
Note: Please be sure to fill out the Rafflecopter form accurately. Entries are verified.


The rules are simple!

    1. Please follow your hostesses and featured blogger.
  • Please add the #SoMe2 button (found at the bottom of the post) to your sidebar or link page.
  • Tweet about the party! More partiers = More followers! All you have to do is click the “tweet” button!  
  • Use our hashtag #SoMe2 when tagging or posting so we can find each other!

You will automatically be entered into our email reminder list by entering a link. You may remove yourself from the list by using the un-subscribe option.


It's time for the #SoMe2 #Google Party! Join us, link up your Google+ account, a blog post you've posted on Google+, and enter to win a featured blogger spot! #socialmedia #network #linkparty
1) Link up your Blog’s Google+ Page.
2) Follow your HOSTESSES and FEATURED BLOGGER (first 6 links).
3) Follow 2 people before your link, if you already follow them, find 2 new people to follow.

This InLinkz widget is not allowed in this website. You can still view the linkup here

It's time for the #SoMe2 #Google Party! Join us, link up your Google+ account, a blog post you've posted on Google+, and enter to win a featured blogger spot! #socialmedia #network #linkparty

1) Link up 1 recent Google+ Post.

(Go to your Blog’s Google+ posts page, hover the cursor in the right upper corner of a recent post until you see the “options menu” arrow, then click on “link to post”, copy the URL, and paste that URL into the link party.)
2) Like and comment on your HOSTESSES & FEATURED BLOGGER’S links (first 6 links).3) Like and comment on at least the 2 links in front of yours. This way everyone will get Google+ Love! One of hostesses will make sure the last two links get comments.

This InLinkz widget is not allowed in this website. You can still view the linkup here

Thanks for joining our SOcial MEdia link party!

See you next week – same time, same place!

DeDe,  Kim,  Sarah V.,  Sarah C.,  & Susan


Grab button for ~SoMe2~

<div class=”SoMe2-button” style=”width: 150px; margin: 0 auto;”>
<a href=”″ rel=”nofollow”><img src=”” alt=”SoMe2″ width=”150″ height=”150″ />

#link party#link up#some2
About theAmanda