June 13, 2013

How To Keep Your Strawberries Fresh


You all are probably with familiar with the saying, “Mom knows best”, right? Now that I’m a mom I think I fall into that category of knowing, if I do say so my self. But I’ll get my head out of my ass and face reality and just leave that up to my favorite veteran mom, my own: JeanneGirl. I’m tellin’ you, if I have a question about cooking, cleaning, discount shopping or how to get a stain out of something-she knows. Now that I thinking back to my child hood and adolescence, it’s safe to say she was a…

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June 12, 2013

Jungle Island Father’s Day Bash!


Want to do something fun and different for the dad in your life this Father’s Day? I got one for all you South Floridians – take him to Jungle Island! For all those who have never been, it’s a fantastic place right in the heart of Miami perfect for families who love animals! Birds, reptiles, lions – you name it. And they are rolling out the red carpet for all dad’s this Sunday. Check it out: All dad’s get in free..yah, you heard me FREE! From 12-6 p.m., all the dad’s out there get in Jungle Island for free and…

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June 10, 2013

Trader Joe’s Hidden Jewel


I am late to jump on the Trader Joe’s bandwagon, but I fully blame that on Trader Joe himself, because the closest one to our house is over 2 hours away. Luckily that is changing in the near future to only 40 minutes away – and I couldn’t be more excited. Until then, who ever is near one will help out this preggo and bring back my favorite item…the hidden jewel of all the delicious products under the Trader Joe’s roof: Milk Chocolate Covered Toffee Popcorn. Should I say it again? Milk Chocolate. Toffee. Popcorn. I can’t even begin to…

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June 7, 2013

Celebrate National Donut Day With a FREE Donut at Dunkin Donuts!


It’s June 7th – National Donut Day! Can’t get any better than that people! No matter what your favorite donut is, its FREE today at your local, participating Dunkin Donuts. All you need to do is purchase a beverage and your fave donut is free! Even more reason to love DD, right!? In honor of National Donut Day, I have some fun Dunkin Donut facts that you may not have known: Dunkin Donuts sells more than 70 varieties of donuts. Dunkin Donuts sells more than 2.4 billion donuts & Munckins a year. The top 3 selling donuts are Glazed, Chocolate…

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May 31, 2013

Meatless Friday’s: Easy Gazpacho


A few months back, we went to dinner with some friends at their families local restaurant and I tried gazpacho for the first time. Totally blew my mind. It was cold, crispy, tomato & cucumber-y – I completely fell in love and needed to have it again. My preggo cravings were in full effect and all I wanted was gazpacho ever since. Well, I went out to dinner last week to a Spanish restaurant and of course had to try their version, but it just didn’t do the job like the first one. My husband told me I’m like a…

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May 27, 2013

Last Minute BBQ Black Bean & Corn Salsa Recipe


Happy Memorial Day! Gotta love long weekends full of family, friends and good food. Not to forget the bad ass men and women who have or are currently serving our country so we can have weekends like this! I have lots of veterans in my fam that we celebrate today and every day for our freedom. Now, we know this weekend is usually jammed packed with parties, backyard BBQ’s, beach days and pool time. We have done all 4! It’s been an great weekend, got a great tan going, got to spend time with family and friends and really got…

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May 21, 2013

NYC In A NY Minute Quick Drying Nail Polish


On my hunt for the best and cheapest nail polish, this month’s travels brought me to Target and NYC In A New York Minute Quick Drying Nail Polish. NYC has officially carved a special place in my mani-heart. Not only does this polish give you a fantastically perfect mani that looks like you just got pampered, it’s $1.74. Boom. Just two coats of their color, Sidewalkers, and a clear top coat my nails look great. I am still trying to get used to the greyish color, since I’m typically a light-colored kinda gal. It’s slowly growing on me, although I…

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May 17, 2013

Meatless Friday’s: Cheese Fondue


I love me some fondue! As a Mother’s Day treat, my mom whipped up some delicious cheese fondue as an appetizer and let me tell you, it blew the socks off the Melting Pot’s version! I have always been intimidated to have my own fondue night but rather opted to just go out and let a waiter take care of the dirty work. I observed as she made the cheese and no joke, it took her about 15 minutes from start to finish. That’s it. What the hell am I so intimidated by?! We feasted on bread and green apples…

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May 16, 2013

Organizing Your Life: De-cluttering Papers & Bills


I am probably the most unorganized person on the planet, but am trying to learn how to organize my life and de-clutter pretty much everything around me. Because seriously, I can’t freaking stand all the crap around anymore, it’s driving me insane!!! This is what usually happens in my house when we get our mail: it piles on our buffet until I can’t stand looking at it anymore, so I then shove it into our very small mail organizer on the counter. After a few weeks, it looks like it’s about to burst at the seams with bills, letters and…

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May 14, 2013

Disney Dining: Where To Eat Part 2 – Character Lunch at Tusker House


I have been meaning to write this post since our return from Disney last month! Now, dining at Disney can get extremely pricey and we were on a strict budget this trip. We found a great snack shop in Magic Kingdom but what about in some of the other great parks? I did some research and saw rave reviews for Donald’s Dining Safari Lunch at Tusker House in the Animal Kingdom, which also is a character lunch. So since we were heading to Animal Kingdom, this was a no brainer. With all character dining – and seated dining for that…

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