May 10, 2013

Leftover Chicken? Make Some Chicken Parcels

Leftover Chicken? Make Some Chicken Parcels

I haven’t been inspired too much lately in the kitchen. Hate to admit it, but there have been a lot of soup & salad nights…and sometimes sans soup. Call it laziness, call it I’m pregnant AND lazy. The other night I splurged and went to good old Publix and grabbed a yummy rotisserie chicken. So what to do with all the left overs?? Chicken Pot Pie is always a nice fall back, but tonight I decided to step outside the box and make Parcels. What the hell is a parcel you may ask? A fancy word for a package. Cause…

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May 9, 2013

What To Do When Your Toddler De-Clothes…


Seriously, I am asking. WHAT THE HELL DO YOU DO?! For about a month now, we have been having issues with getting and staying dressed. Mornings usually consist of me exerting all my daily energy into just getting her dressed. Then followed by the ripping off of said clothes I spent a good 10 minutes trying to put on. Oh, and how could I forget the 20 minute long tantrum that follows. Now, it’s not every day, but its about 5 of the 7 days of the week. This is stuff that drives mom’s to drink bottles of wine to…

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May 8, 2013

Dunkin Donuts Newest Creations!


I had the pleasure of attending a blogger event at the newly renovated Dania Beach Dunkin Donuts last week to sample some of DD’s newest wrap and sandwich creations. I love that Dunkin Donuts is taking it a step above breakfast and keeping us fueled through out the day on some delicious sammies instead of just donuts. But what sandwich wouldn’t be complete with out one of their famous drinks to go along with it, and they are recreating those too! Not only is the menu getting a makeover, but most stores are getting a nice facelift. Dania Beach Dunkin…

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May 7, 2013

Packing Smart: The Beach!


We are very fortunate to live so close to the beach. If I tell you how close, some of you may get a little jealous. 😀 One of the many perks of living here in Florida, aka Paradise. Going to the beach prior to having kids was a breeze. We didn’t have to think about nap time, schedules, diapers, toys, snacks…you know the drill. Before we could just hop in the car at what ever time we got up, armed with a towel, chair and some sunscreen and we were on the way. If we really wanted to go nuts,…

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May 6, 2013

Unique Mother’s Day Gift: iPhone Cases


OH Mother’s Day…we meet again! I am always trying to look for something new and unique for Mother’s Day gifts. Last year, I made footprint butterflies for both grandma’s. Now what to do this year…I’m stuck in a rut. Considering now a days everyone and their grandmother has an iPhone, what better gift than a custom iPhone case! Shutterfly has some great options that would make any mom, grandmother, aunt or special someone feel like a million bucks this Mother’s Day. You can upload your favorite pics and choose designs for as low as $27.96. They even have adorable monogrammed…

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May 3, 2013

Meatless Friday’s: Flatbread Pizzas


I love Flatout Wraps. They make awesome wraps and even awesomer flatbread pizzas! And yes, I said awesomer. They take 10 minutes and you can get as creative as you like. Throw whatever you got in the fridge on top and I guarantee it will taste delish! I had a bunch of stuff in my fridge that was nearing its time before it starts growing fur and got a few ideas for dinner. Whether you are having some company, a girls night in, an after school snack or a light dinner – you must try! BBQ Flatbread Pizza 1 Flatout…

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May 2, 2013

Healthy Happy Hour: A Quick Fruity Smoothie Recipe


So I’m fat. Yes, I know I’m pregnant and it comes with the territory. There is only one man on the planet that can call me fat (in a sense) without suffering the bitchy repercussions of my rage and that man is my OB. And by call me fat I mean yell at me for gaining too much weight over a months time. I will admit I haven’t been eating or drinking the healthiest but #2 seems to be craving sugar. Anything sugar, candy, sweets you name it, I’ve inhaled it. So its no surprise that for the past 2…

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April 30, 2013

Stylin’ Summer Fashions at The Children’s Place


Summer weather is here in Florida and there’s only one place I head to get my toddler dressed and ready for the heat – The Children’s Place! They have rolled out their fashionable summer looks early to help you get ready for you’re busy summer. Whether your kids are going to camp, beach, the pool or you are headed on a fantastic family vacation, The Children’s Place has you covered. As I browsed the racks to check out the styles, the theme this summer was color! Bright, fun and festive colors along with some great patterns for your ever-so-hip boys…

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April 26, 2013

Meatless Friday’s: Leftover Baked Spaghetti


I am the worst at gauging how much spaghetti to make. I either make way too much or just enough for one bowl. No matter how much I try, I never seem to make the perfect amount. But the good part about it is leftovers! I usually make pasta fritatta, but this time I decided to try something different – Baked Spaghetti. I have been seeing a lot of recipes floating around online and of course Pinterest but I improvised with the ingredients I had in the house, tossed it all together and created a delicious baked pasta dish.  I’m…

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April 25, 2013

5 People To Avoid While Pregnant


Now that I am expecting my second daughter this August, I seemed to have conveniently forgot about the little annoyances of being pregnant. Aside from your usual’s, ie: morning sickness, prenatal horse pills, snoring and frequent peeing, I seemed to have blocked out all the crazy encounters that occur while preggo. Yes, I am talking about the complete strangers (and sometimes not) that go out of their way to make you feel uncomfortable, awkward and want to run for the hills. You might think this is my negative “I hate people” attitude, because most of the times, these people don’t…

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