March 19, 2013

Meaningful Beauty….Is it really worth it?


About a year ago I got sucked into an infomercial starring Cindy Crawford and how she is in cahoots with some French anti-aging scientist specialist who found the secret to youthful skin. I mean, have you seen Cindy Crawford? She’s beyond stunning….and looks like she could pass for 25. Whore (jk, kinda). Since I hit 30 my skin just isn’t looking like it used. It’s like everything went south and decided to start wrinkling as soon as I woke up on my 30th birthday. So after about 5 minutes into the infomercial, I was all about it – hook, line…

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March 15, 2013

Meatless Friday’s: Rigatoni alla Vodka


Clearly pasta is one of my favorite meals and I tend to cook it as much as I can! I am a crazy Italian, what can I say… I don’t skimp on it either. I can’t see cutting corners and making certain pastas with alternative ingredients – even though they may be healthier – I stay true to form. Plus they taste ridiculously amazing. My husband may hate me for making some extremely sinful pastas but he loves them just as much as I do! Vodka sauce’s special ingredient is heavy cream and I am totally ok with that! Guess…

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March 14, 2013

Sleeping In Style ft. The Children’s Place


Just because you are asleep, doesn’t mean you can’t look good! That directly applies to the little ones too, especially in my case. My daughter, Ava, is a fashion diva who loves clothes just as much as her mommy. She helps me pick out what I’m wearing for the day and if she doesn’t like what I pick out for her, the little stinker will take it off and won’t get dressed until she approves of the next look. Is that normal for an almost 2 year old? So, at a recent trip to The Children’s Place, I picked up…

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March 13, 2013

Quick Chicken ‘Cacciatore’


Last night, both my husband and I were beyond exhausted. Ordering out food was not an option, as we have been spending way too much $$ on takeout/dining out in the past couple weeks. So we put our semi-functioning brains together and created a yummy, hearty dish in under 30 minutes. It was our take on chicken cacciatore, minus the olives and other goodies that are usually in a traditional one. We used what ever we had in our fridge and pantry – usually these again are hits or misses and the last thing both of us needed last night…

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March 12, 2013

Getting Your Toddler To Do Your Housework


Lets face it, housework and chores are a pain in the ass, but we have to do. Otherwise we’d all be on that show “Hoarders”. I hate doing it and I really shouldn’t since I am a stay-at-home-mom. But cleaning, vacuuming, sweeping, dusting, laundry is just the absolute worst. This may or may not be considered child labor but my toddler loves doing chores. I don’t know if its because she thinks its a game or the fact she usually gets a special treat after helping but lately I have been letting her help me with all my daily and…

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March 11, 2013

New Bubble Guppies Episodes & Products!


Hey fellow Guppy Lovers! Finally some new episodes of Bubble Guppies will air this week, starting TODAY (3-11-13)! At 11 a.m. EST, Nick Jr. will air “Only the Sphinx Nose!” and Wednesday (3-13-13) “Sir Nonny the Nice!”. Can’t wait to see and hear the new songs and adventures our fave guppies will be doing! If you miss them, They will be reruns Tuesday, Thursday and Friday of this week. So set your DVR’s parents!! Now on to the products! We have been waiting for more options and Nick has delivered. If you go to the Bubble Guppies website over at…

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March 8, 2013

Mediterranean Quinoa Salad


A month ago I went dining with one of my girls at a local Mediterranean restaurant. This place is great if you are in the mood for great hummus, crispy  falafel and wine – lots of it! (Free wine for ladies on Wednesday, can’t beat that!) I like to try one new dish each time I go and my friend raved about their quinoa salad. I typically eat quinoa hot (cheesy quinoa-yes please) so I was all about trying. It was cool, full of flavor and packed with fresh veggies. Tossed with just a simple dressing of lemon and olive…

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March 7, 2013

Fashions For “The Bloat Phase”


I am sure you all know what I am talking about – the ever hated “Bloat Phase” when you are pregnant. That limbo time when your jeans still fit but won’t button, your tops are starting to get snug and shows a muffin top. I am currently in this phase of my pregnancy. Where my maternity clothing is still a little big and I look like sausage in casing in all my other clothing. Sigh. With my first pregnancy, Forever 21 was my savor during this time. I went there the other day just to find some loose fitting tops…

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March 6, 2013

Easy Tips For Clean & Fresh House


You would think being a stay at home mom my house would be immaculate every second of every day. Maybe in fantasy land! I struggle every single day to keep my house looking clean. It’s a pain in my ever-growing bedonk. I’ve tried doing certain chores on specific days, but that completely failed. I tried doing upstairs one day and down the other. But I get too tired and usually end up only doing one. Lately things have gotten a bit better, and sometimes I do break down and hire a cleaning lady (I’m a sell out! But so worth it)….

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March 4, 2013

It’s a Prenatal Vitamin Revolution Thanks To VitaMamma! + Giveaway


I have been waiting for the right time to make this public on my little space in the blogosphere and for this post I felt it was quite apropos. Another Anti Mom baby is on the way! We are expecting our second child this August and couldn’t be more thrilled. A huge change from my last pregnancy! ;-D Of course, with pregnancy us mom’s must take charge of our diet and nutrition. I immediately began thinking about taking those  dreaded ginormous horse pill prenatal vitamins. Especially the DHA with its fishy after taste. BLEEH I want to vom just thinking…

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