September 17, 2012

Childhood Cancer Awareness Month


With September being Childhood Cancer Awareness month, its good to always know that skin cancer doesn’t just affect us adults. More teens and young adults are developing skin cancer – scary! I’ve lived in South Florida for about half my life and laying out in the sun has become just a part of life. Now that I have a daughter of my own who loves the pool and beach, I am more aware of the harmful effects of the sun and UV rays. I constantly apply lotion while out in the sun, along with a hat and sunglasses (when she…

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September 14, 2012

10 Unique Gift Ideas For Twins


My sister was blessed to have two healthy TWIN baby girl’s a little over a month ago. The entire family is still in shock that there are two more in the surreal. I scrambled to find the perfect gift for these twinies. Besides helping out with some basics, I really wanted to welcome my nieces into the family in a special way. As always, I waited till the last minute and ended up running around like a chicken with it’s head cut off. I noticed there aren’t much “twin” stuff that is readily accessible. If you go to any…

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September 13, 2012

Wine Review: Mommy’s Time Out


With my recent trip to Total Wine & More, I’ve stocked up on some quality bottles of Pinot Grigio. We shall see if they live up to the hype and up to this wino mom’s standards. BTW if you haven’t been to or know of a Total Wine, it’s like a candy store for adults. Aisles and aisles filled with wines, beers and liquors. Every possible brand of alcohol neatly organized and stocked to the fullest. It’s like the doors slide open and angels sing-kinda place. As I combed the aisles, I found this beauty: Obviously by the name alone…

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September 12, 2012

Oven Roaster Chicken – Just like Publix!

Oven Roaster Chicken – Just like Publix!

I love me some Publix rotisserie chicken! The crispy skin, the moist, juicy meat that falls off the bone – drooling just thinking about it! That is my go-to dinner when I don’t feel like cooking and Publix makes it so easy for us to enjoy a semi-homemade dinner with out the hours of cooking. I think the price is a bit steep for the size we get, but that is obviously not stopping me from still getting them. I often wondered if I could get that same golden and juicy flavor at home….. Challenge accepted. I bought a medium-sized…

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September 10, 2012

Toddler Sensory Gel Bag How-To


If you would have told me 3 years ago I would be sitting at home with a precocious 1 1/2 year old making gel sensory bags, I would have probably laughed in your face then kicked you in the shins for every speaking such blasphemy. After many days of rain along with a sick kid, I had to occupy her otherwise she was bouncing off the walls with cabin fever and I was going to bash my head in the wall if it didn’t stop. Instead of just plopping her down to watch Bubble Guppies like I had been doing…

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September 6, 2012

Creative Meal Ideas For Toddlers


I have hit a freaking brick wall with meals ideas to serve my little girl. Add in her picky palate (which came out of NOWHERE!) its beginning to become a chore trying to figure out what to feed her. And I have plenty of chores, I surely don’t need to add another to the list. Now, I know I have addressed this in my post last week, but its getting to become extreme. One day she eats the entire plate full of food, then like Cybill, she switches gears the next day and my floor is covered in her dissatisfied…

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September 5, 2012

Easy Lasagna Rolls


Being Italian, one of my favorite comfort food meals is lasagna. Preferably my mothers. All the gooey-cheesey-meaty layers slathered in homemade tomato sauce. I’m drooling just thinking about. Well, if anyone out there has tried to make one themselves, its kind of a pain in the ass. Cooking the lasagna noodles, making all the layers of meat, sausage and cheese. Its quite the ordeal. Grant it, its not too too difficult but its pretty time consuming. On Pinterest, I came across SkinnyTaste’s much easier version of my favorite meal-Lasanga Rolls. Genius! Genius! Genius!!! Instead of making all the layers, just…

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August 30, 2012

The Odd Eating Habits of a Toddler


Feeding an infant > Feeding a toddler. Sometimes I feel like banging my head against my granite counter tops during meal times. What happened to the sweet little cutie that would eat whatever I would puree with gusto? Remember when you thought it was so cute when they had a messy face full of sweet potatoes – those were the days. I can’t even remember the transition of it being cute to thinking: “OMG if she throws peas on the floor one more time and I step on them my head is going to explode!”. Then you find some days…

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August 29, 2012

Healthy Chicken Fingers


I’m slightly obsessed with crunchy chicken. Always trying out different recipes, methods of cooking, breading to find the ultimate crunch factor to go with the juicy chicken. This time instead of using regular breadcrumbs, I tried Corn Flakes. Mmmmm me likey. Crunchy and sweet all wrapped into one bite. It gives a fun and different texture then you are used to with chicken fingers PLUS you bake them. None of that greasy oil to clean up or add to your hips. Healthy Chicken Fingers 12 chicken tenders or 4 chicken breasts, cut into tenders 1 egg 1 teaspoon yellow mustard…

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August 20, 2012

Hubby’s Easy Deviled Eggs


After being out of town for a month, I have finally returned to my South Florida dwellings. My husband rolled out the red carpet for our arrival-from picking us up at the gate down to cooking a 5 star dinner. He hasn’t cooked for me since we got married. Well, aside from manning the BBQ that is. After his meal of homemade Chicken & Mushroom Risotto, I plan on getting his ass back in the kitchen…with out me! It didn’t stop at the risotto either. He made delicious deviled eggs. Now, there is a list of things I’ve never eaten…

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