August 10, 2012

A Plea To Nickelodeon


For the love of God, Nickelodeon! Where are the ‘Bubble Guppies’ merchandise?! It has been over a year that my lil girl has been obsessed with these mermaid people. She gets into what I call the “Bubble Guppies Trance”. As soon as she hears the ever intoxicating theme song begin, she takes her place in front of the T.V. for the entire 20-something minutes its on with a glazed look over her face and does not move. Well, until they start singing a song she likes and begins to dance. She’s cool like that. Some of you might remember my open…

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August 9, 2012

DIY Herb Planter


With my growing affinity for cooking, I’ve come to desire fresh herbs in my dishes as opposed to dried. They truly give your meals the extra flavor it needs to really make those taste buds dance. I figured it was about time that I got my own little herb garden going. My back yard is what some might call fugly. All we have is a BBQ out there; very grim. I needed some plants and flowers to spruce it up. I didn’t want to spend butt loads of money on a specially designed planter, so I try to be as…

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August 6, 2012

Sandals Roundup: Steve Madden Edition


I wear sandals every day of the week. I have no shame. Finding a good pair of flats is actually kind of difficult. Some of the styles can get pretty crazy. I am just looking for comfort, color and diversity. Wedges are hot and also my newest obsession. I can’t get too crazy with them because 1. I’ll never wear them as much as I think I would and 2. I’ll be 8 feet tall. But I do splurge on occasion and Steve Madden has some adorable styles that are perfect – and  guess what – on sale. I adore…

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August 1, 2012



  Everything is in doubles today! In honor of my sister who gave birth to a set of twin girls Monday, I felt we could use some fun and freaky-weird twin facts to welcome them into our crazy family! Fraternal twins are hereditary. Identical are not. There is a “twin gene” that is passed on by the parents. Thanks mom and dad, for now I am scared shit that you have passed it along to me! Twins can have different dads. Talk about baby daddy drama! Twins usually make there own secret language. Chances of having twins increase as you…

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July 27, 2012

Get In The Olympic Spirit with Ralph Lauren


Who doesn’t love when it’s an Olympic year!? The games are FINALLY here! The world can escape to London for a couple weeks to see the world’s most talented athletes compete for our respective countries. This year, Team USA will look better than ever thanks to Ralph Lauren. For the 2012 Summer games in London, Ralph Lauren will be outfitting Team USA with some great pieces that represent the good old red, white, and blue and its starts with their opening ceremony outfits. Team USA will be wearing Ralph Lauren khaki pants paired with a sharp navy blazer. Not to…

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July 25, 2012

Meatloaf Cupcakes


I love meatloaf and I love cupcakes. So how bad can meatloaf cupcakes be???? Try amazingly delicious. I got the brilliant idea to make meatloaf’s in a muffin tin thanks to Pinterest (of course). But they were cooking, I thought to myself “self, how fantastic would these be if you topped them with mashed potatoes?” My two loves combined into one, delicious, tiny meat packed bite. I’d say pretty damn fantastic. I even thought they would be playful enough for my lil girl to eat them. She wasn’t as excited as my husband and I with these savory treats, guess…

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July 24, 2012

50 Shades of….Eye Safety?


Living in South Florida, we are very fortunate to have some amazing weather all year round. Since my daughter was an infant, we immediately took advantage of enjoying playtime outdoors, especially poolside. In pure Anti Mom fashion, she was decked out from head to toe in the cutest bathing suits and swimming accessories. I had a pair of infant shades that we would put on her because we thought she looked like a little movie star. Some days though, I just would put a cute hat on her head. Little did I know I was putting my sweet angel’s eyes…

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July 21, 2012

Bracelet Roundup: Nordstrom Edition


Cuff bracelets are probably the greatest accessory! It can add a pop of color or just a great dimension to any outfit. I have 3 that I absolutely adore. One was given to me by my best friend in college that she got on one of her trips to Puerto Vallarta. It was a simple beaded, thick cuff bracelet, full of color. I’ve had it for 10 years and it just recently broke and I couldn’t be more devastated! So I am now on a hunt for the perfect cuff bracelet and came across these awesome choices at Nordstrom. I…

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July 19, 2012

The Absolute Best AND Easiest Grilled Chicken Marinade


Now that I have my own little herb garden growing in the back yard, I had to step up my cooking game. My go to meal when I hit a wall is grilled chicken kabobs. It’s easy, its delicious and healthy. My husband has been complaining about the marinades I’ve been using for the chicken. WTF, right? I channeled my anger into making a kick ass marinade to shut him up. So I decided to try something extremely simple because I had a toddler grabbing at my damn legs the other night (and every night I’m cooking for that matter)….

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July 17, 2012

Baby, Brush Those Teeth!


Good oral hygiene should be #1 on everyone’s list. So once my lil one started sprouting teeth, we got her her very own little tooth brush and gum gel. She of course thought it was the greatest thing ever and thought we gave her a new chew toy. Little did she know we were beginning to instill in her that she’s got to brush her teeth. Every morning and night we brush to get her into the habit. Now that she pretty much has a mouth full of choppers, she looks for the brushing every day and we of course…

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