July 16, 2012

Praise Thee Single Parent


I have been blessed to have family living extremely close to me. If I need any help with my lil kiddo, I have my parents 10 minutes South of us, my mother-in-law 10 minutes North, scattered relatives all over Broward/Dade area and a very involved and hands-on husband. If I ever need a hour to myself or we want to have a date night-they are there. Except this weekend. My husband was out of town on a guys trip, my mother-in-law is summering upstate New York, and my mother jetted off to help my very pregnant-with-twins sister. So I was…

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July 12, 2012

Hot Tops: Express Edition


Looking for a great top for a night out with your man or are you looking to just spice up that summertime wardrobe? I always am looking for a cute top to wear with either jeans or shorts that I can dress up or down depending on my plans. It can’t be too fancy, the last thing I want is for the kiddo to ruin it and of course it can’t be too blah, because, well, I gots to look good! ;-D I love Express for their flattering cuts, great fabrics and edgy looks. I can really add great pieces…

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July 11, 2012

Is Your Toddler A Drama Queen/King?


Mine is. And I have NO idea where she got it from. ;-P I actually was preparing myself for the tantrums and fits because my whole life I’d hear from family members how crazy I was as a toddler. From sticking my tongue out at complete strangers who were just saying hi to me to cursing out the children in my preschool class. History repeats itself….I just hope she doesn’t start calling people stupid asses. Now the real question is how to handle these tantrums. When she first started them, she would stomp her little chubby feet then drop to…

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July 6, 2012

To Vaccinate or Not Vaccinate: That Is The Question.


As a child, I was always up to date on all my vaccines. I never questioned it nor did my parents, just knew they would protect me against certain diseases. I never thought any more about them until I had my own child. Even then, I still didn’t think twice about having her vaccinated. Yet, the more I research and speak to other mom’s & dad’s out there, the more I am seeing that there is a whole slew of people against vaccines. Whether it be the fears of Autism or SIDS, so many parents have stayed clear of having…

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July 5, 2012

Cheesy Quinoa


Quinoa (keen-wah) is my newest food obsession. Some might question WTF it is exactly, because that’s what I did when I first heard of this stuff. I didn’t even know how to friggin’ pronounce it (thanks Wiki). I just kept seeing delicious recipes on Pinterest with this crazy weird-named ingredient. So what exactly is quinoa you ask? It’s in the family of couscous, a very nutty grain that is gluten-free and said to be easily digest. Its just really good. But I learned quickly that it must be mixed with something, for eating it completely plain is just terrible. Once…

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July 3, 2012

DIY Accessory Organization


Some people collect figurines, others may collect coins and some people collect stamps. It’s a fun thing to do until it become a problems – ahem hoarders! I haven’t gotten to that point yet but I do like collecting things…especially accessories. I have Caboodles full of old play jewelry from when I was little and jewelry boxes upon jewelry boxes full of everything from costume to my good jewelry. With all the boxes I couldn’t tell what I had so I barely wore half the accessories. I needed something to not only organize what I had but allow me to…

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June 29, 2012

Throwing A Surprise Party? I’ve got some tips…


  For almost 4 years now, my husband has made it clear to me and everyone else that no one could ever pull a surprise party off for him. He’d say how he would know all the signs and if we were ever going anywhere beginning 2 weeks before his birthday, he’d know it would be a surprise. What a pain in the ass. Back in November, I got a brilliant idea to throw him a surprise 30th party. That gave me a good 4 months to pull it together. I didn’t know what I was in store for. All…

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June 26, 2012

Easy Strawberry Rhubarb Pie

Easy Strawberry Rhubarb Pie

Looking for an easy dessert that will make you like Betty-effing-Crocker? Then you must make this pie..immediately. Don’t let the name “rhubarb” scare you. It scared the shit out of me when I first tried it about 3 years ago. My sister had a family dinner party and made this. I thought rhubarb was like a parsnip or something weird like that and was thinking why the hell would you make a pie out of THAT! Turned out it was the most delicious thing I’ve ever had, a perfect combination of sweet and tart. Now that I am a Stay-At-Home-Mom,…

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June 21, 2012

Beer Marinated Chicken with Summer Salsa


I have been getting bored with my normal grilled chicken and veggies, so I felt I needed to spice things up for dinner the other night. I was on the phone with a girl friend and literally not even paying attention to what I was grabbing or even chopping. It all just started coming together, in one delicious, crazy concoction. I adore cilantro and wanted to use it in some type of marinade but I thought, what else could I put in this? Alcohol. Beer to be exact. Now, for anyone who knows me knows I only drink beer when 1….

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June 20, 2012

Rainy Day Activities


Living in South Florida it is known that the summer months it usually rains by 3-4 pm then stops shortly after. So you plan your days accordingly – especially if you are hitting the beach or pool. Yet there are days, like today, that we wake up and its raining and no end is in sight. Guess no pool today…wah. So now what? What the hell am I going to do with a 14 month old with extreme amounts of energy?! Can’t booze it up, that’s for damn sure. So I go to plan B. Every mom should have a…

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