June 17, 2012

WINNER! WINNER! + Happy Father’s Day!


We have a weeeeeeeiiiner! Congratulations to Carolsue! Not only have you won a $25 eGift Card to Bright Mountain to spend as you wish, but you will go down in history on being the first ever Anti Mom giveaway winner! Whoohoo! Email me at antimomblog@gmail.com and claim your prize! Thank you everyone who entered, I appreciate all the support! Don’t worry about not winning this one though, this just kicked off “The AntiMom’s Summer-O-Giveaway’s” and more fun giveaways are in store for the rest of the summer, so stay tuned! I’d like to wish all the daddy’s out there a…

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June 15, 2012

Summer Dress Round-up: Forever 21


It’s getting freakin hot down here in Florida. Literally, if you are outside during the hours of 10-5 and not in a pool, you will melt to the ground. Planning your summer outfits is key because the last thing you want to do is end up being drenched with sweat the second you walk out of the house. Luckily, my favorite store, Forever21, has some cute dresses that will keep you cool and looking hot. All are inexpensive – under $25 – trendy and can be dressed up or down depending on what you got going on this summer. Surplice…

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June 14, 2012

Turkey Lettuce Wraps with Cucumber Salad

Turkey Lettuce Wraps with Cucumber Salad

I love me some lettuce wraps. They are quick, easy and pack a shit ton of flavor. I have been experimenting with a few different recipes over the years in hopes to find the perfect combination of sauces, veggies and meats and FINALLY landed one that fits the bill. I came across SkinnyKitchen’s version of lettuce wraps that tasted very similar to P.F.Chang’s. Minus the gazillion calories..score! I added a few tweaks and they came out incredible. Now, I like to eat, and so does my husband, we were left a little hungry about an hour later so the 2nd…

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June 13, 2012

Father’s Day Gift Ideas with Bright Mountain + GIVEAWAY!


Father’s day is quickly approaching and if you are anything like me, you still haven’t even thought about what do for the special daddy’s in your life. Well I’m not letting procrastination ruin Father’s Day! To the Internet I went! I was recently introduced to My Bright Mountain – a new website that specializes in shopping and info portal. I quickly scoped out the site and it really has everything you need all in one place – everything from shopping, coupons and stocks to news updates and classifieds. You can even create an account and customize Bright Mountain to your…

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June 11, 2012

Review: Fisher-Price Apptivity Case


If you have a phone, you know that babies have some weird fascination with them. Probably the most expensive teething toy my daughter has. I have gone through 4 cases thanks to drool infestation and droppage. So when it comes to my iPad, I am a bit more protective. But she loves it just as much as the phone and actually knows how to use it already. Scary. For her 1st birthday, a good friend got her probably the coolest gift EVER: the Fisher-Price iPad Apptivity Case. It is pretty awesome. What it is is this crazy, kid-friendly case that…

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June 8, 2012

Easy Shrimp Scampi


While visiting my very pregnant sister, I felt bad letting her do any work what so ever. I tried to do everything I could to give her a break while I was there. I remember being pregnant and how much I hated every second of it…the swollen feet, not being able to shave my legs or even seeing my feet for that matter and the utter exhaustion that never seemed to leave. There were more, but I’ll spare you guys a pity party. Well, to get where she is just add twins + a 15 month old toddler to the…

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June 7, 2012

Easy Tips For Traveling With A Toddler


Last summer we took our first family trip to New York with our 5 month old. And it was absolute hell. Crying, screaming, fussing – you name it, she did it. For 3 long hours! There were looks, whispers and rolling of the eyes as the other passengers on the plane watched me and my husband struggle to calm her down. It scarred me from traveling with her for almost a year. I finally decided to bite the bullet and visit my sister in Boston. This meant traveling ALONE with a toddler. Stricken with fear of repeating the past trip,…

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May 31, 2012

Dunkin’ Donuts Does National Donut Day!


If you thought you couldn’t love Dunkin’ Donuts anymore than you already do well then I have one more reason for you to: FREE Donuts June 1st! Yes you heard me correctly, good ol’ Dunkin’ will be giving 1 free donut to each patron with a purchase of any beverage, Friday June 1st in honor of National Donut Day. The greatest day in the entire world. Just to give you a little history on how National Donut Day originated, let us go back in the day to 1938. The Salvation Army wanted to honor women who served in WWI by giving them a free donut…

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May 30, 2012

Disposable Diaper + Washer = No Bueno

Disposable Diaper + Washer =  No Bueno

    AntiMom’s Tip#1 – Never Wash Disposable Diapers. EVER! If you end up in the same situation I was in the other night, where you are exhausted from going to the beach and spending the entire weekend in the hot sun and ready to collapse after you do just 1 load of laundry but then you realize as you empty the clothes from the washer to the dryer, that you have washed one of your child’s disposable diapers in with all the clothes. You want to cry, scream, punch a wall and/or slowly walk away and shut the door…

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May 29, 2012

Nutella Makes Everything Betta


  Love me some Nutella! After this great Memorial Day weekend, my husband and I had our own little BBQ, just the 3 of us. While he was napping on the couch (lucky bastard), I thought I’d make a special dessert because after stuffing my face with yummy BBQ foods, I need something sweet! I had just bought Nutella and always have at least 1 box of Pillsbury pie dough in the fridge. So I got a brilliant idea to make little Nutella & Banana Pie Pouches. How bad could those turn out right?! They are extremely easy to make…

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