May 22, 2012

Tuesday is the New Monday.


  Last night my husband asked me what the worst day of the week is for me. Seeing as all days pretty much run into each other since I have stopped working, I just said Monday because, well, Monday’s have always sucked! Especially after a great weekend like we had, so of course Monday is going to fail in comparison! When I reciprocated the question, he said Tuesdays. I of course laughed at him like I always do, and questioned his answer. He then proceeded with the rebuttal as to why he hates Tuesdays, and it actually made a shit…

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May 18, 2012

Fried Brown Rice

Fried Brown Rice

Here is the most absolutely delicious, better than your local Chinese takeout place fried rice recipe, as promised from yesterday. I stumbled upon this recipe on this site called Pinterest. I don’t know if any of you have ever heard of it…or if I ever mentioned it before….(subtle sarcasm much?) I’ve attempted fried rice numerous times, and it always came out greasy or just tasting way too much like soy sauce. I had brown rice in the house and made about 3 cups worth. Ate one cup that night with my husband, and save the last 2 cups for this…

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May 17, 2012

Better-Than-Takeout Baked Sweet Chinese Chicken


Who doesn’t love a good Chinese food take-out night? I have always loved attempting to make my own Chinese, Thai, and Oriental foods. I’ve attempted – as you can see attempted is the operative word – fried wontons, pad thai, lo mein, sesame chicken and lettuce wraps.  I succeeded maybe 2 out of 5 times. So last week as part of my daily routine, I was scouring Pinterest for new recipes and came across one for Sweet & Sour baked Chicken. I was intrigued. I have been craving it for some time and figured to test it out for dinner….

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May 16, 2012

Makeup 101 with MAC


Lets face it, you are never too old for a makeup 101 session. As a pre-teen, I never knew how to apply make-up. I would steal my moms, watch her and try to copy. I looked like a hot mess! Random colors blended together, poking myself in the eye with the damn mascara wand and don’t even get me started on blush. Talk about clown face. I guess it was pretty evident had no coordination in the beauty department, so before I went into High School, as a Christmas gift,  my cousins gave me a gift certificate to MAC to…

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May 14, 2012

Ready For A Pool Party!


  Keeping up with the hot trends in fashion can be so exhausting. With summer around the corner and a ever growing toddler, finding adorable summer duds at reasonable prices is on the top of my list. Lucky for me I turned to The Children’s Place! My friends at The Children’s Place were kind enough to invite me to a special media day to launch their summer ‘Pool Party’ looks. Look no further because they have got you covered with all the hottest trends for both boys and girls! Bright, Vibrant Colors The Children’s Place is keeping it light and…

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May 11, 2012

The 3 Things I Learned In Vegas.


  I just recently returned from a weekend away in Vegas. Mainly the reason why I have been so MIA on here all week. For some reason I can’t seem to get back into the groove of things. Could it have been all the alcohol consumption? Possibly. Could it have been all the exerted energy playing slots and blackjack? Maybe. Could it have been the hot, Nevada sun? Sure, why not. I’ll never tell though, after all, what happens in Vegas stays there. But I will tell you this, while there I learned a few things that just have never…

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May 4, 2012

Meatless Friday – Roasted Veggie Pasta


Normally I am strictly a pasta and marinara sauce kind of girl but decided to step out of my comfort zone and test out a new kind of pasta dish. I knew it would either be a hit or complete fail and was prepared for the latter. We have been on an “lets eat healthy” kick for our upcoming trip to Vegas (whooohooo!). Clearly we are trying some Jedi mind trick to make us feel better and justify the fact that we will be drinking heavily and eating like crap for 4 days. Whatever works, right? So I made a…

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May 2, 2012



I’ve got bad iPhone Problems. I was trying to be a good wife and serve my husband dinner. Anyone who knows me, knows that my arms are extremely long and lanky and tend to flail from my body like a wacky waving inflatable arm flailing tube man. As I dished out his dinner, one of my extremities knocked over my giant glass of water. My poor, helpless iPhone laid there, in the stream of gushing water, enjoying a nice cold bath. At that moment, I would normally shift my gears to cleaning the water off my high-maintenance kitchen table. But…

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April 30, 2012

Can You Hang?


  This was the question of the weekend. In preparation for an upcoming trip to Las Vegas, my husband kindly asks me if I think I can hang like you used to. Context meaning, can I still party like a rock star for an extended long period of time with out being an old lady. He has had more of an opportunity to test his limits than I have lately, I mean, one of us has to be the responsible one right? We do have a child after all. Although, I wouldn’t mind going on a drinking bender every once…

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April 26, 2012

Homemade Makeup Remover


  I recently told my husband that the 2 minutes I spend washing my face at night are one of my favorite times of the day. He may or may have not looked at me like I was a psycho, but I will be nice and not share what his favorite 2 minutes of the day are. With that being said, my face wash has to be the absolute tops.  6 years ago, my sister introduced me to Aveeno’s foaming face wash and its been love at first scrub ever since. Its calming, cleansing and relaxing as I get ready for…

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