April 24, 2012

The Best Feeling In The World


  Have you ever been away for the weekend, slept in a a different bed for 2 days, tossing and turning? Have you ever been away for the weekend and your suit case was perfectly packed when you left but then as the weekend continued on it turned into one big wrinkled and mangled mess? Or how about lounging on someone else couch for an entire weekend and not getting as comfortable like you do on your own soft and cozy couch? Well, the absolute BEST feeling in the world is coming home from an entire weekend away to a…

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April 19, 2012

Tangerine Mint Cocktail


Since I am on this Dr. Oz Weight-orade kick, I have an over-abundance of both mint and tangerine. So keeping with this fat-burning, metabolism-boosting theme, I tried to mix up a little concoction with one of my favorite alcoholic beverages, Champagne. Well…Prosecco to be exact. Fresh juiced tangerines mixed with some bubbly and mint make for a very refreshing drink that would be perfect for happy hour or brunch! Tangerine Mint Cocktail serves 2 4 Tangerines, juiced (should equal to 1 cup) Handful of mint, chopped Champagne or Prosecco slices of tangerine and/or mint sprigs for garnish Cut each tangerine in…

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April 18, 2012

Leftover Lamb Gyros


For Easter, in our house it is customary to serve lamb. For years, my mother has been making the leg of lamb in the oven with Seagrams and garlic. Well, for at least 3 years, she has managed to blow the oven door completely off from the massive explosion from the alcohol. It was quite a sight. So 3 oven doors and a new kitchen later, the parents have decided to try a new way of cooking the lamb, grill it baby! It is sooooooo freaking good! We had tons of left overs and as I was stuffing my face…

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April 17, 2012



  For months, my husband and I have been dying to dine at Scarpetta in the Fontainebleau Hotel down in SoBe. We have literally been planning it for months and finally decided to go on my 30th birthday. Clearly we are huge fans of “Chopped” so of course we had to try famed Chef Scott Conant’s restaurant since it is practically in our back yard. It was the most awesomely delicious night EVER! The restaurant was extremely posh, I mean, only the best for the Fontainebleau right? We sipped on cocktails, delicious homemade bread with mascarpone whipped butter and homemade caponata….

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April 16, 2012

Sippin’ on Some Weight-orade


Was on quite the hiatus but now I am back! I have been extremely tired, unmotivated and just BLEH all day, every day. I need to do something. Exercise? Yeah, maybe. Eating better? Definitely. Both are a good start. I was on Pinterest, aka the greatest site ever, looking for some alcoholic drinks for the weekend and I came across a pin about a weight-orade from Dr. Oz. I’m not one to be on fad diets or even to diet. I firmly believe in eating well and exercise is the right way to go if you want to lose weight…

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April 6, 2012

iPad…What is it good for?


  Absolutely Nothin’! We are a 1 computer family. I know, completely unheard of in this day and age. But we are, and when your husband takes the laptop on a business trip you are completely lost. Alas, he left the iPad in pity. I thought I would be saved considering I also have an iPhone but was sorely mistaken. Have you ever tried writing posts or emails on an iPad? It’s kind of a pain in the ass. When ever I would try to move the cursor on the iPad, it ended up in the middle of the paragraph…

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April 2, 2012

I Hate You, Ugly Toy Pile.


I don’t know what it is, maybe it’s the fact I’ve been gone all weekend and away from my house or that it’s freaking Monday, but I hate everything today.  I woke up, looked around my room and wanted to vomit. I walked past the laundry room and saw the over flowing dirty clothes bin. Ew. I immediately slammed the door shut so I never have to see it again. Then I walk downstairs and spot this: An ugly,disorganized pile of toys. I thought that wicker basket was the best idea back when I bought it on one of my…

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March 30, 2012

Meatless Friday – Coconut Shrimp


I have been dying to step out of the box for my next meatless meal. Gotta spice things up for my last 2! I decided to go a little tropical (insert hula dancing girl here). Love me some coconut shrimp and have been seeing some yummy recipes on Pinterest. Except, I really hate frying and the best sweet, crunchy coconut shrimp are deep fried. Well, at least the ones I’ve had. Now, you may think I hate frying for the obvious reason – all the calories and greasiness – but you’re wrong. I don’t mind eating fried food what so…

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March 29, 2012

Thirsty Thursday – Cupcake Martini


Since I can’t have my cake and eat it too, I might as well drink it, right!? I concocted this edible drink last night while going through one of my sugar cravings. It doesn’t hit the spot like the real deal cupcakes I wish to consume, but it sure as hell is a great substitute! This is perfect for your next ladies night, birthday celebration, or just when you’d rather drink your calories than eat them! Cupcake Martini 2 oz Vanilla Vodka 1 oz Ginger Ale Splash of cranberry juice (optional) Frosting, sprinkles and cherry for garnish In a shaker…

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March 28, 2012



  My sugar sabbatical for 40 days is slowly coming to an end. I can’t even tell you how slowly slowly is going.  I’m dying! My will power is getting the best of me. The cravings are getting worse and worse. BLEH!! I try to keep my mind off the sugar, I consume fruit to suppress the unbearable cravings. But then I look in my pantry and all I want to do is eat a fucking piece of candy!!!!!! I’ve lasted through birthday parties with tons of cookies, rice krispies treats, Twizzlers, cake pops and mounds of chocolate. I’ve lasted…

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