March 27, 2012

Food Truck Party


I know I’m tardy for the food truck party, but holy shit! Didn’t realize I was missing out on some really good eats! I have always wanted to hit up these infamous mobile restaurants but something would always come up to deter me. I vowed the next time a food truck opportunity would arise, I would leap at the chance to see what all the fuss was about. So a few weeks ago, my friends at Capitol Lighting were having an event and 3 local South Florida food trucks were on hand with some tasty bites. Of course I had…

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March 23, 2012

Meatless Friday – 20 Minute Minestrone Soup


  The husband has been feeling under the weather the past few days and requested minestrone soup. Of course the day I plan to make it is a day where I will be out of the house the majority of the day. So how to get the best of both worlds? A pressure cooker. I know some people might be a little scared of this guy, believe me, I was to when I first tried it. In fact, I am still scared of that damn thing. It makes cooking things like soup, which normally take an hour or so to…

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March 22, 2012

Thirsty Thursday – Jolly Rancher Infused Vodka


I have seen candy infused vodka all over Pinterest and have been dying to make my own concoction. I threw my husband a surprise party a few weeks ago (more on that to come) and decided to whip up a batch for a fun drink to serve at the party. Didn’t realize how simple and easy it is to do this and it tastes delicious – and potent! Yowzah! You can do all 5 flavors in the candy bag, but I just stuck with my husband’s favorite flavor, cherry. Although, I have a feeling watermelon would be amazing too. Jolly…

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March 20, 2012

Dunkin’ Donuts: More Than Just Breakfast


Who doesn’t love doing a Dunkin’ run before heading to work in the mornings?! Although I am not much of a coffee drinker, I would hit up Dunkin’ Donuts almost 3 times a week for a hot chocolate and bagel as I drove into work. I got to say, that is the only thing I miss about working-my Dunkin’ runs! Lucky for me, Dunkin’ Donuts has now expanded their menu, so you can get great bites and drinks all day long with Dunkin’ Donuts Anytime! I was lucky enough to be invited to a tasting event at a local Dunkin’…

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March 19, 2012

Free 60 Day Trial Membership to BJ’s – Chh-chh-check it out!


When a great opportunity arise, I am compelled to share! I love me some wholesale clubs –  SAMs, Costco..but mostly BJ’s. My family has been a member for more than 15 years now.  Not only do they give you a chance to try out the club for 60 days minus the surcharge, but you get to use coupons! You have no idea how great that is…ok well maybe you do! I tend to choose BJ’s over the other wholesale clubs just for that alone. On top of using manufacturer coupons, they even publish their own coupons for additional savings on…

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March 16, 2012

Meatless Friday – Roasted Mini Sweet Pepper Antipasto


I had a shit ton of organic little sweet peppers. They are always in the house, but I mostly use them to add some crunch and color into my salad. I wanted to spice things up a little, you know, step out of the box. I decided to roast them up in the oven with a little olive oil and sea salt. Kind of like my favorite Italian roasted red peppers that are usually apart of an antipasto. Since my husband and I have been eating like crap lately, this is going to be an nice, light meal so we…

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March 13, 2012

Best Shoes For New Walkers


  Toddler shoes: my newest obsession that will undoubtedly make me broke. I honestly had no idea how many options and styles there were of shoes for babies. And don’t even get me started on the prices! I really only figured the expensive shoes were the little Nike’s for babies. I was wronger than wrong. Now that Ava is walking all over the damn place, I figured she needed some type of support for her fat, chubby feet. I had my fun with all the cutesy sandals, booties and trendy little shoes while she was an infant/crawler. Now its time…

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March 12, 2012

Dressed & Ready for a Garden Party!


Springtime is here whether we are ready or not! The suns beaming, the birds are chirping…ahh…It truly is my favorite time of year! With the change of weather comes a change in wardrobe. If your kiddies are like my little one, they are growing like weeds and need new clothes every other week practically! I was lucky enough to be invited to The Children’s Place Garden Party to introduce their spring styles. As soon as I walked into the store I spotted the sweetest dresses perfect for Spring. Pastels, florals, whites and seersucker as far as the eye could see….

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March 9, 2012

Meatless Friday – Baked Fish Sticks


Here we are, another week with out sweets and another friday without meat! I swear, my sweet tooth is going through some major withdrawls. Mostly at night. BLEH!! It is taking everything out of me not to dive into the giant banana-chocolate cake from my husband birthday this past Monday. Must.push.through!!!!!! So a few months ago, I was craving fish sticks. I have no idea why seeing as I never ate them as a child or even liked them much. You would think I was pregnant or something …. and for the record I am not!!! TRUST ME! I found…

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March 8, 2012

Leftover Chicken Chop-Chop


I always try to mix things up when I have leftover roasted chicken in the fridge. Back when I was in college I worked at a place called Ciccio & Tony’s (the best place ever – wish it wasn’t only in Tampa!!) where they added “Chop-chop’s” to the menu. They are pretty much like what Chicken Kitchen or Offerdahl’s offer, but a million times better. So I started making my own versions of these chop-chops with any leftovers I have. All you need is some rice (I prefer yellow but white, brown, jasmine work), salad, some type of dressing and…

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