February 17, 2012

Steakhouse Creamed Spinach

Steakhouse Creamed Spinach

I love side dishes. Sometimes I could just eat an entire meal of side dishes. When it’s the holidays, side dishes are pretty much all I eat. They are my favorite. I love making them, I love eating them and most of all I looooove having them as leftovers. The other night I tried out new side dish and it was off the hook. I was trying to be all romantical and make my husband a homemade steakhouse-type dinner: clam chowder, wedge salad, surf & turf and creamed spinach. I know, I’m fancy. Now, I never really enjoyed creamed spinach,…

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February 16, 2012

Thirsty Thursday: Cranberry Cosmo Hot Toddy


In keeping up with all the love from Valentine’s Day, today’s delectable libation pays hommage to my husband Todd aka Hot Toddy.. Hot Toddy’s are great drinks to keep you warm on the cold, wintery nights. So if you are freezing your ass off in the snow, whip up a batch of these, they will be sure to keep the party goin’. Cranberry Cosmo Hot Toddy 1  32-ounce bottle  cranberry juice 1 orange, sliced 1 lemon, sliced 1 cup dark rum Heat cranberry juice, oranges and lemon slices in a medium sauce pan over medium high heat. Bring to a…

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February 14, 2012

Chocolatey Bouquet For Valentine’s Day


If you are a procrastinator like I am, you waited till the very last minutes to do something sweet for your loved one. Well don’t worry, I have a quick gift idea to wow your Valentine….and all you need is about $7, 25 minutes, a trip to your grocery store and a microwave. My valentine complains he needs to eat “healthy”, so I had to throw my cookie idea out the window. Instead – chocolate covered strawberries! Hey-they are healthy, especially if you use dark chocolate! So here’s what you’ll need: At the grocery store, they sell dipping chocolate that…

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February 13, 2012

Valentine’s Day, Schmalentine’s Day…


Every year for the past, ohhh 6 years, my husband and I celebrated Valentine’s Day. Home cooked romantic meals, fancy nights out at expensive restaurants and sweet gifts. Last week after putting Baby A down for bed, my husband turned to me as we were both laying comatose on the couch after a long ass day and asked if we were gonna do anything on Valentine’s Day this year. My answer was less than coherent, I think it was “mehh do we have to?” To which he responded as “Good. I am really not in the mood to plan anything.”…

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February 10, 2012

It’s a Walkoff.


Baby A has officially become a walker. F$#&ing S@#$. Mother F$%#er. I thought babies were supposed to start this crap after they turned 1. Not at 10 freaking months old! She is terrorizing the entire house and running me ragged. I gotta admit, she looks so damn cute waddling around with her hands in the air. Ha! So to all you mahhhms out there that are probably laughing and pointing, knowing what lies ahead for me with this mobile beast, any advice? Any warnings? Any words of wisdom?? ANYTHING?!!!!? – Amanda

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February 9, 2012

Review: KidCo ChildProofing Cabinet Locks


As promised, here is my review for my baby hell aka childproofing. It took me over a week to put everything up. Yes, a week. I’m lazy and it took me quite some time to figure out those damn things up. Overview I ended up purchasing KidCo Secure Stick Adhesive Mount Locks at BuyBuyBaby. I had to buy the starter pack, which came with 2 locks and a magnet. Then purchase 2 additional packs of 4 to lock every cabinet. They came with adhesives already attached to both the locks and mounts along with enough screws in case you wanted…

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February 7, 2012

Design on a Dime


I love me some decorating. Finding goodies for my house is probably one of my all-time favorite hobbies. The people in Homegoods know me by name. Since moving in a little over 2 years ago, I find myself constantly look around the rooms, trying to figure out what else can be done. It was great when I was working and had some extra income flowin’ in. But now that we are a one income family, I must watch my spending. No more clothes shopping when ever I want, and no more trips to Homegoods when ever I want! Wah!! So…

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February 4, 2012

Hustle Like A Girl Scout


No joke, these chicks are EVERY WHERE! I go to the grocery store, there they are. I go to the doctors office, there they are. I go out to eat, whattayah know, they are there, posted up right by the entrance. To every store in the entire world. Waiting, lurking with their cute little smiles and overly zealous parent chaperon. I go to great lengths to avoid these girls. But I got sucked into their web of lies and bought a box of Thin Mints. So today, my husbands friend and I were shopping and about 3 little scouts were…

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February 3, 2012

Super Bowl Extravaganza


It’s the start of Suu-Suuuu-Suuuuper Bowl weekend baby! And my Giants are in it……again! That’s what I’m talkin’ bout! There is only one way to watch this game, and it’s with a party. A massive one at that. I love a good party, sometimes they can be a pain in the ass to throw because, lets be honest, cleaning up all that shit suuuuucks! But when its all said and done, I really do have a great time hosting shindigs. Parties should always have 3 great things: great food, great drinks and a great crowd. If you have that, then…

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