January 5, 2012

Thirsty Thursday – New Years Edition


Although still extremely hung over from New Years, I had to find ways to get rid of the 4 Asti bottles I have left over in my fridge. I came across the ‘Old Capri Long Drink’ on yummly.com. It must be my Italian blood that was drawn to this but anything that has Asti Spumante AND Limoncello as its main ingredients is a winner in my book. Old Capri Long Drink 2 oz Limoncello Asti Spumante Fill a tall glass with ice. Pour Limoncello over ice then fill the rest of the glass with the Asti Spumante. Garnish with a…

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January 4, 2012

Screw This Cold Spell


South Florida, my tropical residence of 15 years, is going through its yearly cold spell and everyone is going out of their mind. For northerners out there, a cold spell down here can compare to a nice spring day by you. Anything below 70 degrees usually sends everyone into a state of panic. Anything lower than that, like this past week, snow gear is broken out just to get to the store. You think I’m exaggerating. Yesterday I wore my UGGs. (Yes, I own a pair of UGGs. Don’t laugh.) I saw people with winter marshmallow man coats on, running…

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December 27, 2011



Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and that Santa brought everything you asked for. He sure was good to me! I feel like I got hit by a truck, then it reversed and ran over me again. Why the hell is Christmas so damn exhausting? Is it a crazy 8 month old that doesn’t stop till bed time? Maybe. Is it all the food and cookies I’ve been eating? Most likely. Is it all the alcohol I consumed? Definitely. I do love the holidays but I really just can’t wait to get back into my normal routine of sleeping because…

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December 20, 2011

Put on Your Yamaka…


It’s time for Hanukkah! This will be my 2nd year celebrating Hanukkah. Every Jewish friend I have really doesn’t celebrate this holiday. They say its the less important holiday of all of them. Uhh what? What the hell??!? Isn’t every holiday important and further more how can you not want to celebrate a holiday that lets you give/get a present every night..for 8 days!? I married a nice Jewish boy from Brooklyn, so I was excited when the holidays came around knowing that I would get 8 additional presents. Except I married the only Jewish boy that doesn’t celebrate Hanukkah….

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December 19, 2011

Greatest Gifts for New Moms


Its funny how a year and a baby changes your whole way of thinking. Every year, my family asks for everyone’s Christmas wishlist so we don’t go insane trying to find the perfect gift for everyone. Typically, mine list would consist of 5 basic things: Shoes, Clothes, Jewelry, Gift Cards and some type of electronic. This year was a tad different. Obviously clothes were still on the list, but so were other things that will help make my life easier. Like cooking appliances and a large bag so I can fit all Baby A’s stuff in on the go. Times…

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December 16, 2011

Soft Serve for Baby


I have a problem when it comes to bananas. I buy a bunch with all intentions of eating them asap. But that never seems to happen. I start off with great banana momentum but then I’m left with 2-3 spotty ones. I went through a super healthy eating phase back in my running days and remembered a soft serve concoction I saw on a blog once. Its the easiest and most delicious way to get rid of your nasty brown bananas. Since I make all the baby’s food myself, and most of my friends and family are still scratching their…

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December 15, 2011

Reality Check


So last night, well rather this morning, at 5:30 am I was up sick to my stomach. It was not pretty. I was up for almost an hour and a half when I finally went back to sleep, still tossing and turning. Before baby, if I had a night like this, first thing I would do was email my boss and tell him I’m taking a sick day. When I heard the baby crying, I immediately thought, “I need to call in today, I feel like shit, there’s no way I can go into work today”. Then reality hit me….

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December 12, 2011

Leftover Madness


On Friday I attempted a new recipe for pan seared chicken with a lemon, butter and wine sauce and had a huge epic dinner fail. The sauce smelt delicious but tasted like burnt crap. We barely finished, luckily I made a shit load of thin spaghetti as a side. Any who, I had a decent amount left over. Yesterday we (mostly me) were hung-ovahhh from going to the Casino for a friends birthday. Patron es no bueno. No.Bueno. We pigged out on greasy burgers for a late lunch, so for dinner I wanted something a little bit lighter. My nanny…

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December 9, 2011

Bah Humbug


I ventured out to the stores finally to get some Christmas shopping done and all Ihave to say is bitches be crazy!!! Seriously, I must have encountered every douche bag on the face of the earth. For every 1 nice person I ran into, 5 aholes were right there behind them. I thought this was the “joyous” time of year when everyone is supposed to happy and spread good cheer and crap like that? I was sorely mistaken. Apparently it’s the time of year to be a an obnoxious d-bag and an ungrateful jerk. I promise you, I am not…

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December 8, 2011

Thirsty Thursday


With the holidays fastly approaching, next to the over abundance of gifts, we consume massive amounts of food, sweets and of course some alchy. So why not try to save some calories in our drinks so we can make more room for the kick ass pies and cookies?! I will be finding some delish drinks for the holidays that are low in calories. You must serve these mimosas at your Chribrunch or New Years brunch. Mimosa Lite courtesy of Fitnessmagazine.com 2 ounces Minute Maid Light Orange Tangerine Juice 4 ounces Champagne Juice of 1/2 medium sized orange Add ice cubes…

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