March 12, 2015

How Winter is Like A Scorned Woman

How Winter is Like A Scorned Woman

For a veteran Floridian (18 years & counting), who formally resided in the cold Northeast for majority of her life, I thank my lucky palm trees that I now live in the South. Your body gets so used to the warmth, that when you do visit the bitter cold, you feel like you are slowly being tortured by a real crazy person. After recently spending 5 days in the Northeast at my sister’s, I have come to the conclusion that winter is like a scorned woman: A real psycho bitch! You know that saying, ‘Hell hath no fury like a scorned woman’?  Hell hath no fury…

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March 10, 2015

Irish Soda Bread

Irish Soda Bread

St. Patty’s Day. A day to eat corned beef and cabbage, where green, drink green beer and party like you were actually Irish! Every year for as long as I can remember, my mom made a special meal of corned beef and cabbage with boiled potatoes and rye bread every St. Patty’s Day. I love making a huge sandwich full of meat, cabbage and potatoes and eating it all together. I’m weird, but seriously, give it a try. SO good, especially if you toss some yellow mustard on it. It wasn’t until a couple years ago that my sister started making…

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February 6, 2015

eShakti : Dress For All Occasions

eShakti : Dress For All Occasions

Way, way back in the day (before kids), I was all about fashion. I was on top of the latest trends, hottest looks and what looked good on my body type. Fast forward to today, where I have no idea what the hottest trends are and 2 pregnancies later, my body has totally changed from what it used to be. My hips and ass have now expanded and my boobs, well, have peaced out leaving me with only memories of what it was like to have nice rack. Instead of just grabbing any size off the rack, I really need to try…

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January 9, 2014

Kalamata Olive Aioli Dip with Herb Fries (Just like Nordstrom’s!)

Kalamata Olive Aioli Dip with Herb Fries (Just like Nordstrom’s!)

Happiest of New Years to all of you! One of my goals this year is to get back on track with my site here, because lets face it, I’ve been MIA! With good reasons though…so I can’t beat myself up too much! With Baby O almost sleeping through the night, I am less of a zombie now a days so I can actually formulate some words together! And cook again…which I have been majorly slacking in, too. Over Christmas, my 2 favorite cousins and I did some returning at Nordstrom’s and happened to stop into Bistro N for a little…

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May 10, 2013

Leftover Chicken? Make Some Chicken Parcels

Leftover Chicken? Make Some Chicken Parcels

I haven’t been inspired too much lately in the kitchen. Hate to admit it, but there have been a lot of soup & salad nights…and sometimes sans soup. Call it laziness, call it I’m pregnant AND lazy. The other night I splurged and went to good old Publix and grabbed a yummy rotisserie chicken. So what to do with all the left overs?? Chicken Pot Pie is always a nice fall back, but tonight I decided to step outside the box and make Parcels. What the hell is a parcel you may ask? A fancy word for a package. Cause…

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May 30, 2012

Disposable Diaper + Washer = No Bueno

Disposable Diaper + Washer =  No Bueno

    AntiMom’s Tip#1 – Never Wash Disposable Diapers. EVER! If you end up in the same situation I was in the other night, where you are exhausted from going to the beach and spending the entire weekend in the hot sun and ready to collapse after you do just 1 load of laundry but then you realize as you empty the clothes from the washer to the dryer, that you have washed one of your child’s disposable diapers in with all the clothes. You want to cry, scream, punch a wall and/or slowly walk away and shut the door…

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