Since my daughter was an, ahem, accident/surprise and we weren’t mentally prepared, there were a lot of things we didn’t know about pregnancy. People mostly focused on the “positive” stuff like telling me my boobs would get bigger, how I can eat anything I wanted or my hair and nails would grow. Fantastic. I even got lots of unsolicited “personal” stories about labor. Those were my favorite. Horror stories of 35 hour labors, emergency C-Sections – fully detailed. That’s exactly what you should do to a pregnant woman – tell her how horrendous your experience was. And after people would…
I’m Lazy. Wah.
0About a month ago, I got all jacked up on the idea of working out. Yeahhhh bro! I was all about beating down Jillian Michaels and pretty much calling her a skank, slut, whore, biatch and every other name in the book. I was determined to get back into the groove of working out and getting “shredded”. Yeah. That didn’t happen. I completely failed at that goal. I worked out for about a week and a half straight, I was on a roll. Then everything seemed to just get in the way. The floors had to be mopped. The rugs…
Saturday Night Rant
0You know what really grinds my gears? Those stupid security code word scrambled things. You know those things whenever you forget your password to gmail or try to leave a blog comment or you are trying to buy tickets on Ticketmaster? Those annoying scrambled letters that try to tell if you are a robot or human. They are called CAPTCHAs. It stands for ‘Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart’. Yeah. Those things. I hate them with a passion. I get that they are supposed to help with spam and what not, but C’MON! Sometimes…
The Unexpected Baby
0Some might refer to it as the “ooopsie” baby or “the accident”. In my house, we call it the “holy shit WTF happened” baby. 2 years ago my husband and I got engaged, bought a town house and were planning a wedding. It was an extremely stressful yet amazing time in our life. We had the most perfect wedding – everything was just the way we wanted it and all our guests had a blast. After the wedding, we spent 7 days in the Dominican Republic…7 rainy days. Just our luck. When we got back, we were so excited to…