The last meatless Friday of Lent – had to go out with a bang! I have been craving Maryland-style crab cakes. Anything Maryland-style is good in my book. I lived there for 7 years and have had an obsession with old bay and blue crabs ever since. There’s one restaurant that I usually go to when I am feigning those spicy bad boys, but i didn’t feel like taking the 40 minute hike up north to West Palm, so I put on the chef’s hat and went to work. I whipped up some pan fried crab cake sandwiches last week…
Alternative Easter Basket Ideas
0Easter is approaching quickly and if you walk into any store you are immediately greeted with rows and rows of sugary candy and stuffed animals. Bunny overload! Your typical Easter baskets usually are filled to the brim with chocolate bunnies and eggs, jelly beans, and marshmellow-y goodies. Believe me, there is nothing wrong with some sugar (said the pregnant lady!) but if you want to stay clear from all the junky foods this year, here are a few alternative ideas that will make the Easter Bunny look great. The last thing we need this Sunday is the holiday sugar rush…
Last Minute Valentine’s Day Gifts
0Valentine’s Day: Just another day in February, right? Wrong. Thanks to Hallmark and God knows who else, this damn “holiday” has taken over every man and woman’s life. What makes this one day so special? What about every other day of the year? I know I’m not the only one who feels like this so I won’t go off on my tangent……………. But if you are like my husband who loves this day, gifts and nice dinners are usually on the agenda. Of course when we were dating it was a different story – flowers sent to my work, sweet…
Father’s Day Gift Ideas with Bright Mountain + GIVEAWAY!
0Father’s day is quickly approaching and if you are anything like me, you still haven’t even thought about what do for the special daddy’s in your life. Well I’m not letting procrastination ruin Father’s Day! To the Internet I went! I was recently introduced to My Bright Mountain – a new website that specializes in shopping and info portal. I quickly scoped out the site and it really has everything you need all in one place – everything from shopping, coupons and stocks to news updates and classifieds. You can even create an account and customize Bright Mountain to your…
Nutella Makes Everything Betta
0Love me some Nutella! After this great Memorial Day weekend, my husband and I had our own little BBQ, just the 3 of us. While he was napping on the couch (lucky bastard), I thought I’d make a special dessert because after stuffing my face with yummy BBQ foods, I need something sweet! I had just bought Nutella and always have at least 1 box of Pillsbury pie dough in the fridge. So I got a brilliant idea to make little Nutella & Banana Pie Pouches. How bad could those turn out right?! They are extremely easy to make…
Leftover Lamb Gyros
0For Easter, in our house it is customary to serve lamb. For years, my mother has been making the leg of lamb in the oven with Seagrams and garlic. Well, for at least 3 years, she has managed to blow the oven door completely off from the massive explosion from the alcohol. It was quite a sight. So 3 oven doors and a new kitchen later, the parents have decided to try a new way of cooking the lamb, grill it baby! It is sooooooo freaking good! We had tons of left overs and as I was stuffing my face…
40 Days 40 Nights
0Today starts Lent! Whoohoo! I look forward this time of year for many reasons. Love Easter and all that comes with it, Spring time, warm(er) weather, self-change and of course, my birthday. On Ash Wednesday, I usually end up giving up sweets/sugar. This year I thought about changing things and giving up wine for 40 days. JUST KIDDING! HA! Never giving up my wine…. So sugar it is! No sugar for the next 40 days and that means soda, candy, chocolate, ice cream, and anything else that has sugar in it! I of course will eat fruit, but that’s…
Chocolatey Bouquet For Valentine’s Day
0If you are a procrastinator like I am, you waited till the very last minutes to do something sweet for your loved one. Well don’t worry, I have a quick gift idea to wow your Valentine….and all you need is about $7, 25 minutes, a trip to your grocery store and a microwave. My valentine complains he needs to eat “healthy”, so I had to throw my cookie idea out the window. Instead – chocolate covered strawberries! Hey-they are healthy, especially if you use dark chocolate! So here’s what you’ll need: At the grocery store, they sell dipping chocolate that…
Valentine’s Day, Schmalentine’s Day…
0Every year for the past, ohhh 6 years, my husband and I celebrated Valentine’s Day. Home cooked romantic meals, fancy nights out at expensive restaurants and sweet gifts. Last week after putting Baby A down for bed, my husband turned to me as we were both laying comatose on the couch after a long ass day and asked if we were gonna do anything on Valentine’s Day this year. My answer was less than coherent, I think it was “mehh do we have to?” To which he responded as “Good. I am really not in the mood to plan anything.”…
Thirsty Thursday – New Years Edition
0Although still extremely hung over from New Years, I had to find ways to get rid of the 4 Asti bottles I have left over in my fridge. I came across the ‘Old Capri Long Drink’ on It must be my Italian blood that was drawn to this but anything that has Asti Spumante AND Limoncello as its main ingredients is a winner in my book. Old Capri Long Drink 2 oz Limoncello Asti Spumante Fill a tall glass with ice. Pour Limoncello over ice then fill the rest of the glass with the Asti Spumante. Garnish with a…