I am on the case for finding the best cheap nail polish. I recently found Sinful Colors and absolutely LOVED it for the price and the quality. So when ever I see a polish for $1.99, I splurge and have to try. At a recent trip to CVS, I came across Wet n’ Wild’s Spoiled Nail Polish and thought I’d give it a whirl. I picked a fun hot pinkish color that I thought would be prefect for summer – Plastic Flamingo. With a name like that how can you not buy it, right? And there’s nothing like a funky pink…
Non-Maternity Fashion Find: The Comfiest PJ Pants EVER!
0I am all about the non-maternity clothes while pregnant. I know that might sound like I’m in denial or something but I like to spend money consciously, especially when it comes to clothes. I like to get the most out of what I buy, and maternity clothing – while extremely comfortable – I only tend to wear approximately 4-5 months out of months out of my pregnancy and that’s it. And they are SOO expensive. Thumbs down! Well, around Christmas time, I found some of the most amazingly comfortable PJ pants at Forever 21. Best part about them, only $12.80….
Tales of the Cursing Toddler
0For anyone who has been in my company can attest to the fact that I have quite the sailor mouth. Might not be the classiest thing about me, but it just comes out way too naturally. Everyone keeps telling me I have to cool it with the curses because I have a toddler who is quickly turning into a parrot. I just yeah’d them to death and continued on my way. So yesterday when my toddler dropped one of her toys and yelled out, “Oh, F#$%!” is when I took everyone’s statement a little more seriously. Not only did she…
The Children’s Place Baby Sleeps in Style Contest
0Vote For Ava! Yes, I am shamelessly plugging a contest my daughter is in. I have zero shame! A few weeks ago I wrote about some adorable styles of PJ’s over at The Children’s Place and the awesome people at TCP entered her in their Baby Sleeps in Style Contest! Whoohoo! This is our first contest with her so I would LOVE to win, but if not, I at least don’t want to come in last! So, to my awesome readers – I ask of you to simply follow this link to The Children’s Place Facebook page and ‘Like’ this…
Finding The Bully In The Crowd…and Her Texting Mom
0At our local mall, they have a great tot lot that my daughter LOVES! They have these crazy things she can climb on, a slide (her favorite, of course) and a spongy, bouncy floor. On rainy or yucky days when the park won’t do, this is are go to. I brought her there yesterday just to get out of the house and that’s where we encountered our first bully. Here in Florida, all the kids are on spring break so the tot lot was a mad house! Jammed packed with kids running, jumping, pretty much doing any and everything with…
Me Likey ERGE Footwear
0I happened to walk into a fabulous store about 6 months ago. The cute shoes in the window were screaming my name – taunting and tantalizing me to get my ass in the store and buy something. I expected to pick up the first pair of shoes and to immediately walk out of the store because it would be some exuberant amount of money. Nuh uh baby-all in my price range, in fact below my price range! Jaah-jaah-jaah-jackpot! Cute, trendy, AFFORDABLE shoes from flats to heels to sandals. I am always on the hunt for new flats because they are…
Common Courtesy Is Dead.
0It truly is and its a damn shame. It seems the older I get, the more people and things people do get on my nerves. By the time I’m 80, I’ll be one of those bitter old hags screaming at kids to turn their music down as they drive past me or something. Sends shivers up my spine just thinking about it! But lately, more and more people just really could care less about anyone around them and mainly focus on themselves. The world has become extremely selfish and its pretty damn disgusting. Exhibit A. Last weekend we flew up…
Childhood Cancer Awareness Month
0With September being Childhood Cancer Awareness month, its good to always know that skin cancer doesn’t just affect us adults. More teens and young adults are developing skin cancer – scary! I’ve lived in South Florida for about half my life and laying out in the sun has become just a part of life. Now that I have a daughter of my own who loves the pool and beach, I am more aware of the harmful effects of the sun and UV rays. I constantly apply lotion while out in the sun, along with a hat and sunglasses (when she…
Toddler Sensory Gel Bag How-To
1If you would have told me 3 years ago I would be sitting at home with a precocious 1 1/2 year old making gel sensory bags, I would have probably laughed in your face then kicked you in the shins for every speaking such blasphemy. After many days of rain along with a sick kid, I had to occupy her otherwise she was bouncing off the walls with cabin fever and I was going to bash my head in the wall if it didn’t stop. Instead of just plopping her down to watch Bubble Guppies like I had been doing…
Creative Meal Ideas For Toddlers
0I have hit a freaking brick wall with meals ideas to serve my little girl. Add in her picky palate (which came out of NOWHERE!) its beginning to become a chore trying to figure out what to feed her. And I have plenty of chores, I surely don’t need to add another to the list. Now, I know I have addressed this in my post last week, but its getting to become extreme. One day she eats the entire plate full of food, then like Cybill, she switches gears the next day and my floor is covered in her dissatisfied…