January 24, 2013

BubbleBum Booster Car Seat + Giveaway!


I am a sucker for any products out there that help make mom’s lives a little more easier, and BubbleBum Booster seats is exactly one of those! Inflatable, foldable and easy to use; the BubbleBum Booster Seat will help make any busy mom’s day a little less stressful. Amen to that! BubbleBum Booster Seat was designed to help families who need an extra seat while traveling or even carpooling. Since child car safety is extremely important to all parents, having a BubbleBum in your back pocket is a huge plus and the developer of the seat is a Child Passenger…

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June 11, 2012

Review: Fisher-Price Apptivity Case


If you have a phone, you know that babies have some weird fascination with them. Probably the most expensive teething toy my daughter has. I have gone through 4 cases thanks to drool infestation and droppage. So when it comes to my iPad, I am a bit more protective. But she loves it just as much as the phone and actually knows how to use it already. Scary. For her 1st birthday, a good friend got her probably the coolest gift EVER: the Fisher-Price iPad Apptivity Case. It is pretty awesome. What it is is this crazy, kid-friendly case that…

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March 12, 2012

Dressed & Ready for a Garden Party!


Springtime is here whether we are ready or not! The suns beaming, the birds are chirping…ahh…It truly is my favorite time of year! With the change of weather comes a change in wardrobe. If your kiddies are like my little one, they are growing like weeds and need new clothes every other week practically! I was lucky enough to be invited to The Children’s Place Garden Party to introduce their spring styles. As soon as I walked into the store I spotted the sweetest dresses perfect for Spring. Pastels, florals, whites and seersucker as far as the eye could see….

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