February 14, 2012

Chocolatey Bouquet For Valentine’s Day


If you are a procrastinator like I am, you waited till the very last minutes to do something sweet for your loved one. Well don’t worry, I have a quick gift idea to wow your Valentine….and all you need is about $7, 25 minutes, a trip to your grocery store and a microwave. My valentine complains he needs to eat “healthy”, so I had to throw my cookie idea out the window. Instead – chocolate covered strawberries! Hey-they are healthy, especially if you use dark chocolate! So here’s what you’ll need: At the grocery store, they sell dipping chocolate that…

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November 19, 2011

Saturday Night Rant


You know what really grinds my gears? Getting a 2 a.m. picture text from my husband of himself and the absolute hottest front man, Adam Levine. Mind you, my husband was on a business trip and was out “networking” (aka ordering bottle service and drinking till 4 am) with clients. Bastard. He knows how much I love him, and he knows how much shit I give him for his late night “business meetings” at clubs, but he was the one passed the fuck out at a Maroon 5 concerts not me..and he got to take a picture with Mr. Levine….

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November 12, 2011

Saturday Night Rant


You know what really grinds my gears? Those stupid security code word scrambled things. You know those things whenever you forget your password to gmail or try to leave a blog comment or you are trying to buy tickets on Ticketmaster? Those annoying scrambled letters that try to tell if you are a robot or human. They are called CAPTCHAs. It stands for ‘Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart’.   Yeah. Those things. I hate them with a passion. I get that they are supposed to help with spam and what not, but C’MON! Sometimes…

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