Springtime is here whether we are ready or not! The suns beaming, the birds are chirping…ahh…It truly is my favorite time of year! With the change of weather comes a change in wardrobe. If your kiddies are like my little one, they are growing like weeds and need new clothes every other week practically! I was lucky enough to be invited to The Children’s Place Garden Party to introduce their spring styles. As soon as I walked into the store I spotted the sweetest dresses perfect for Spring. Pastels, florals, whites and seersucker as far as the eye could see….
40 Days 40 Nights
0Today starts Lent! Whoohoo! I look forward this time of year for many reasons. Love Easter and all that comes with it, Spring time, warm(er) weather, self-change and of course, my birthday. On Ash Wednesday, I usually end up giving up sweets/sugar. This year I thought about changing things and giving up wine for 40 days. JUST KIDDING! HA! Never giving up my wine…. So sugar it is! No sugar for the next 40 days and that means soda, candy, chocolate, ice cream, and anything else that has sugar in it! I of course will eat fruit, but that’s…