If you have a phone, you know that babies have some weird fascination with them. Probably the most expensive teething toy my daughter has. I have gone through 4 cases thanks to drool infestation and droppage. So when it comes to my iPad, I am a bit more protective. But she loves it just as much as the phone and actually knows how to use it already. Scary. For her 1st birthday, a good friend got her probably the coolest gift EVER: the Fisher-Price iPad Apptivity Case. It is pretty awesome. What it is is this crazy, kid-friendly case that…
I Hate You, Ugly Toy Pile.
0I don’t know what it is, maybe it’s the fact I’ve been gone all weekend and away from my house or that it’s freaking Monday, but I hate everything today. I woke up, looked around my room and wanted to vomit. I walked past the laundry room and saw the over flowing dirty clothes bin. Ew. I immediately slammed the door shut so I never have to see it again. Then I walk downstairs and spot this: An ugly,disorganized pile of toys. I thought that wicker basket was the best idea back when I bought it on one of my…