March 22, 2012

Thirsty Thursday – Jolly Rancher Infused Vodka


I have seen candy infused vodka all over Pinterest and have been dying to make my own concoction. I threw my husband a surprise party a few weeks ago (more on that to come) and decided to whip up a batch for a fun drink to serve at the party. Didn’t realize how simple and easy it is to do this and it tastes delicious – and potent! Yowzah! You can do all 5 flavors in the candy bag, but I just stuck with my husband’s favorite flavor, cherry. Although, I have a feeling watermelon would be amazing too. Jolly…

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March 1, 2012

Thirsty Thursday – Strawberry Steintini


I still have mind lapses aka baby brain even though my baby is almost a year old. I have a crazy amount of strawberries because I just keep buying cartons..Thank you baby Brain! So on Saturday night, my husband and I were going stir crazy and decided to drink. Why the hell not, right!? Well, I am due for a Publix trip so we didn’t have much mixers to choose from and I drank all the wine the previous week. Then I got a brilliant idea. My absolute favorite martini is a Strawberry Martini from the Cheesecake Factory. If you…

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