May 24, 2016

Classic Chicken Patty Sandwich

Classic Chicken Patty Sandwich

Back in high school, there were certain days that I told my mom to skip the brown bagged lunch: cheese fries day, pizza day and chicken patty sandwich day! I don’t know what it was, but that giant chicken nugget smushed inside that bun was the best.thing.EVER! Didn’t hurt that they only cost 2 bucks either, but man, they were delicious. My new favorite market had some ground chicken on sale and for some reason I got the craving for a homemade chicken patty sandwich. Maybe it’s the fact that I am pregnant and once a craving is in my…

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April 29, 2016

The Best Gift Idea For Kids From ForeverStrong Apparel

The Best Gift Idea For Kids From ForeverStrong Apparel

When it comes to getting kid gifts, let’s face it, thinking about receiving AND buying toys will give you anxiety. Just the thought of adding to the already mountains of toy clutter makes me want to gouge my eyes out with a rusty nail. A little dramatic, yes, but none the less true. So, to avoid said gouging, I am always looking for cute, non-toy alternative gift idea for kids and their little buddies and I think we hit the jackpot with these adorable BFF shirts for kids from ForeverStrong Apparel. These make me so nostalgic to when I was…

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April 20, 2016

21 Day Fix Approved Recipes ~ Roundup!

21 Day Fix Approved Recipes ~ Roundup!

Healthy eating has always been a struggle for me and my husband. It wasn’t till I started really understanding what healthy eating entailed, that it became second nature. About a year ago, I started 21 Day Fix from Beachbody that jump-started my healthy eating adventures. I learned portion control, the right & wrong foods for my body and how to cook healthy for not only me, but my family. So I am sharing with you today 10 of my favorite 21 Day Fix approved recipes that you (& your family!) will love. Even if you aren’t into the 21 Day Fix, these…

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April 15, 2016

Breakfast Egg Muffins ~ 21 Day Fix Approved

Breakfast Egg Muffins ~ 21 Day Fix Approved

I don’t know about you, but I am THAT mom who is always late. I have always been that way, and believe me, I try my hardest to get to places on time. It also happens to be my husbands biggest pet peeve. It is one of the few things we get into a fight about. So come the mornings, I am typically running around like a chicken with it’s head chopped off trying to get the kids dressed, fed, hair and teeth brushed, lunches packed and then getting myself ready. I feel like I run a freaking marathon by…

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January 21, 2016

Easy, Peasy Split Pea Soup

Easy, Peasy Split Pea Soup

Pun totally intended. HA! We are soup lovers in this house and since every member of the family has been struck with illnesses for the past couple weeks, I started whipping up some of our favorites. Chicken Noodle Soup for the little ones and Split Pea per the husbands request. He had one hell of a case of the Man Flu. (cue screams from women everywhere) Just kidding..kind of – he was really sick with strep throat and all he has been asking for was split pea soup. I had a major fail the last time I tried making it for…

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