Seeing as this is my first Day Light Savings with child, I didn’t realize what went along with it. Before child, Day Light Savings meant an extra hour at the bars. Our nights were extended and we were allotted one more hour of drinking. We lived for this.
After child, its like we had to become mad scientist but more strategic. We had to figure out a plan on how to make her sleep the entire night and not wake up at some random hour, ie: before 6 am. My husband and I have been spoiled with an amazing infant who loves to sleep just as much as we do. Since the 2 month mark, she has been sleeping through the night. * Knocking on wood so I don’t jinx myself * So last night we were trying to figure out the best way to maneuver her schedule to fit this stupid Day Light Savings times change. We figured if we stalled her bed time off for a half hour to an hour, then our problem would be solved.
She went down with no issues, stayed asleep until 5 am rolled around. Then 6. Then 6:45. Then 7. I finally went in there and stuck the froggy binky in her mouth and she went back down. Crisis averted….or so I thought. 7:30 hit and I hear her talking in the monitor. Then I hear her banging on the crib like shes ready to bust out of her comfy jail cell. 45 tossing-and-turning minutes later, I peeled myself out of bed and now the day has officially began.
I’m exhausted. I’m drained. I have bags under my eyes. Is this motherhood?
I guess it could be worse, but that’s what naps are for, right?
– Amanda
Anyone else have issues with Day Lights Savings?