February 1, 2012

Child Proofing: My Arch Nemisis


Now that Baby A is extremely mobile, she has pretty much said screw playing with toys and hello to her new friends the smelly garbage, my expensive pots and the stair case. Oh yeah, and every single cabinet in my house. It’s really fun. That only means one thing for me to do: time to baby proof. Kill me.


In AntiMom fashion, I truly hate the way those child proofing contraptions look. Hanging all over the knobs and shit, looking all plastic-y. We spent good money on our house and furniture, now I have to crap it all up. UGH! I know, I know, it’s for a good reason, I don’t want Baby A eating garbage or dish soap. So I turned to my BFF (the internet) did some research and found alternatives to the fugly plastic junk. Magnetic, adhesive door locks. Booyah. So I ventured out to the baby stores in search of these non-visible child proofing apparatuses. Holy effing shit is all I have to say. Could they BE anymore expensive???!!

there were about 10 more sections of wall that couldn't fit in the pic.

As I walked up to the safety department at BuyBuyBaby, I just sat there in awe at the amount of items they have for sale. My ADD went nutso as I looked up and down the 20 ft wall of locks, clasps, and ties. I was there for a good 20 minutes looking at everything, then re-looking because my brain didn’t process it all the first time.

Not only are there half a million types of locks and snaps to choose from, but this whole process is gonna make me go broke! I bought 2 packs of 4 locks and 1 starter set containing 2 locks….85 bucks. Luckily I had coupons and a store credit, but still!! Thank god I didn’t have to buy a gate for my stairs, got a hand me down from a relative. And don’t even get me started on installing them. So far I’ve only done 3 in 2 days. 8 more to go plus the gate. Soooo I should be done by sometime next month. On a brighter note, at least she’s stopped pulling my garbage can out and screwing up the DVR. Success!

this is what $85 worth of child proofing items looks like.

So to the child proofing conglomerates out there, I thank you. For not only making my wallet a little less heavy but for making my blood pressure skyrocket. You guys are the best.



BTW…will be doing a review of all the baby proofing stuff…stay tuned!

#Baby#Baby Proofing#Child Proofing#Moms#Shopping#WTF