November 13, 2012

5 Things To Know About Nut Allergies


The most common food allergy in children is nuts, so don’t bust out the PB&J sandwiches just yet! As a parent, I was pretty reluctant with giving my daughter any nut-related food until she was well over the age of one. Miami Children’s Hospital wants us parents to be aware of this seriousness of nut allergies.

Here are 5 things that every mom, dad, aunt, uncle, grandparent – every and anyone – need to know about nut allergies & children:


Nuts are one of the most common allergy-causing foods, affecting over 20 million people in the U.S. And many studies show that these numbers are steadily increasing,” said Dr. Vivian Hernandez-Trujillo, Director of the Division of Allergy and Immunology at Miami Children’s Hospital. “While the exact cause of these type of allergies is still unknown, allergic reactions happen as a result of the immune system overreacting to proteins in this type of food, treating them as harmful invaders and fighting them with antibodies that release chemicals into the body.

2. Symptoms Vary With Each Child

Allergic reactions to nuts are different in each individual, and can even be different with each encounter to the allergen. 

“The release of antibodies in response to a nut allergy can affect a child in many different ways, from the gastrointestinal tract and skin, to the lungs and cardiovascular system,” explained Dr. Hernandez-Trujillo.  As a result, symptoms can range from hives and coughing, to stomachache or vomiting.

3. Nut Allergies Can Be Life Threatening

Allergies to nuts generally cause mild reactions in children, though in some cases, it can result in a severe reaction called anaphylaxis, particularly in those children with a severe allergy to peanuts. Anaphylaxis can cause symptoms such as trouble breathing, fainting, and if not treated, can result in death.

4. An Allergist Can Best Diagnose a Nut Allergy

If you suspect your child may have a nut allergy, talk to your pediatrician. He or she can determine if your child could benefit from seeing an allergist.

An allergy specialist will likely ask you questions about your family history allergy-related conditions such as eczema or asthma, as well as what type of symptoms your child experiences when exposed to certain nuts. The allergist may also choose to order tests as a way to see how your child’s body reacts to an extremely small amount of the nut they may be allergic to.

“It’s important to remember that if your child has a nut allergy,  even exposure to a small amount of a potential allergen could lead to anaphylaxis, and you should never try exposure to nuts at home,” noted Dr. Hernandez-Trujillo.

5. Prevention is Key

If your child is diagnosed with a nut allergy, make sure you investigate items that may contain nuts, including certain cookies, candy, ice cream and certain sauces before keeping them in your home. Talk to family members, friends, as well as your child’s teachers and coaches so that everyone can practice caution with certain foods around your child. Inform servers at restaurants so that they can exercise precautions and keep your child’s food away from dishes that may contain nuts.

“When your child has a nut allergy, the most important thing to remember is to have an emergency plan,” said Dr. Hernandez-Trujillo. “Keeping an epinephrine autoinjector available at all times can help ease symptoms of severe allergic reactions. You should also designate someone to administer the shot in your absence. The autoinjector should be available wherever the child is. ”


So be sure to keep these tips in mind and discuss this food allergy with your pediatrician before you introduce it to you child. If you have any questions or would like to know more about nut allergies, visit



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