Think you know movies?
I thought I did. I was pretty damn good at reciting movie quotes, actors in different movies-even the off-kilter type movies! That was until I downloaded the newest movie trivia that is sure to revolutionize how you square up in the movie trivia department. For all you movie buffs out there, you need to download this app immediately. Movie Funatic is the newest, hottest, multi-player movie trivia game out in the app stores. It’s FREE, available for the iPhone, iPad and Android devices. Did I mention it was free?! Now go download it so we can play!!
Typical movie trivia games want you to name actors or movies who won Oscar’s back in 1950. Borrrrr-ing! Movie Funatic threw out your typical multiple choice scenarios and took it to the next level.
Basically, you begin by creating a ‘Studio’ (btw the game is full of movie/theater/production references, absolutely genius!) or game room and invite your friends or just randoms to play. You can have as many or as little opponents as you like.
So once you create your ‘Studio’ and invite your buds, you either start by naming an actor or a movie then it goes the next person playing in the ‘Studio’ and they name a movie that actor was in or an actor that was in the movie you named. That goes back and forth until someone loses all 3 of their lives. You even get points for right answers and docked for wrong answers.
Bonus extras-you get 6 ‘Life Lines’ to help you through because, lets face it, some of your friends can be dicks and try and stump ya. Happens to me every time I play it! The life lines include: Scramble, Challenge, Help, Skip, Reverse & Freeze. Totally helps out when you get stumped or when you have a brain fart, cause that will happen, especially when you realize that you have only 30 seconds to answer and the pressure gets you!
It’s a really cool concept and once you get playing it becomes a little addictive. You can even chat with your buds in the ‘Studio’, good tactic to try and throw them off their game too

the game board: shows who you are playing, who’s up, how many lives and the past questions. you get points for every right answer and docked points for the wrong ones!
If you are into movies, movie trivia, actors, anything related to movies, I highly recommend you go download the game now and play me! My user name is asteiny. Find me! Or comment and I’ll come find YOU! Mwahah. Check out Movie Funatic’s Facebook & Twitter too, they have some pretty hysterical posts and even get going in some random movie games.
Download here:
Movie Funatic for iPhone & iPad
– Amanda
Disclaimer: I am not affiliated with Movie Funatic or Rivalry Media. Just had to share this cool app with you all!