March 1, 2013

Meatless Friday’s: Fettuccine Alfredo


My Italian-ness oozes over into every part of my life. Especially the kitchen! Nothing beats Italiano food…NOTHING! Clearly I am biased. So there is no doubt in my mind that I am not going to let a Meatless Friday go by without making some pasta. Alfredo sauce is one of my favorite indulgences. Although I don’t eat that often (thanks to all that butter and heavy cream!), so when I do, I can eat bowls and bowls of this stuff! Best part is this recipe is super easy and can compete with some of the best Italian restaurants. Simple Fettuccine…

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February 28, 2013

Daydream Toy Doodle-Track Car Review!


Is it normal for a toddler girl to be infatuated with toy cars? I think so! I know I used to have a little collection of Matchbox cars – along with all my dolls and Barbies When DayDream Toy sent me their best selling Doodle-Track Car, both my little one and I were super excited. You can draw your own track or print out some really cool designs on their website for the red car to race around. Little did I know there was more to this sweet looking car than meets the eye. Using its special marker, you can…

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February 22, 2013

Meatless Friday’s: Easy Lo Mein


I have been having a hankering for some homemade Chinese food. As easy as it is to pick up the phone and just order it, I felt adventurous and decided to test out my wok skills in the kitchen. I don’t know if any of you out there have ever made homemade Chinese, but its complete insanity if you don’t know what you’re doing! The last time I attempted homemade Chinese, my husband and I were just dating, you know, in that cutesy, lovey-dovey stage and decided to make my mom a whole spread for her birthday dinner. Wontons, lo…

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February 15, 2013

Meatless Fridays – Baked Tilapia


Meatless Fridays are back! Its that time of the year again And we are certainly kicking it off with a bang. My husband has been dying for fish and I only can eat it when I’m in the mood for it. That could be weeks, months… So I felt bad, the poor guy works his ass off and just had one dinner request, kinda had to make it, right?? He wanted healthy, I’m giving him healthy! Baked tilapia with shallots, parsley and lemon….side of brown rice and veggies! If that ain’t healthy, I don’t know what is. Baked Tilapia 2…

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February 14, 2013

Last Minute Valentine’s Day Gifts


Valentine’s Day: Just another day in February, right? Wrong. Thanks to Hallmark and God knows who else, this damn “holiday” has taken over every man and woman’s life. What makes this one day so special? What about every other day of the year? I know I’m not the only one who feels like this so I won’t go off on my tangent……………. But if you are like my husband who loves this day, gifts and nice dinners are usually on the agenda. Of course when we were dating it was a different story – flowers sent to my work, sweet…

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February 6, 2013

Poop Problems – 5 Home Remedies To Help Constipation In Children


I know this may be a rather gross topic to discuss but if you have a small child, you probably have had a constipation problem at least once, if not more. Especially if you have a picky eater like me and who always seems to be struggling with #2. Sometimes they aren’t getting enough fiber in their diets. I know mine isn’t and I try everything to sneak it in – blended up with pasta, compensate with high fiber fruits – but sometimes that just doesn’t help keep her regular. We’ve got mad poop problems. It got so bad, my…

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February 1, 2013

Homemade Spaghettio’s


Growing up I never ate Spaghettio’s. No Chef Boyardee either. Sure, as a kid I got sucked into those cool commercials and begged my mom to get them for me but she knew better. I mean, who wants to eat Italian out of a can?! Now that I’m 30 and still have yet to try either, there is still that kid in me that wonders what the hell all the fuss was about. Well, luckily I came across Pennies On A Platter’s homemade version on Pinterest and I felt obligated to my 8 year old self to make it. Thank…

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January 29, 2013

Biggest Baby Shower Ever – Right Here In South Florida!


  Today is the day! Tonight, January 29th 2013, starting at 6:00 p.m. is The BIGGEST Baby Shower Ever! And its in our backyard-Miami! If you are an expectant mom, new parent or just love all things baby, this is the place for you! Learn about the hottest, newest trends in baby items, sample products and meet some great vendors, attend educational workshops, sip on some delicious mocktails and enjoy some yummy treats and walk away with some great swag. There is still time to register so check out the website for more details! I wouldn’t miss this great event…

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January 25, 2013

Disinfecting Your Home From Viruses


I wrote Monday how I was MIA from a nasty stomach virus and thought the damn thing had finally left my family after unleashing its massive destruction on everyone, sparing my husband and daughter. Well, I spoke way too soon. The other day turned out to be the day from stomach virus hell. Both my husband and daughter got whatever has been looming around. After being thrown up on numerous times and on the verge of tears most of the day, I quickly had to pull myself together and put on my nurse, mommy, concerned wife and cleaning lady hats….

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January 25, 2013

Disinfecting Your Home From Viruses


I wrote Monday how I was MIA from a nasty stomach virus and thought the damn thing had finally left my family after unleashing its massive destruction on everyone, sparing my husband and daughter. Well, I spoke way too soon. The other day turned out to be the day from stomach virus hell. Both my husband and daughter got whatever has been looming around. After being thrown up on numerous times and on the verge of tears most of the day, I quickly had to pull myself together and put on my nurse, mommy, concerned wife and cleaning lady hats….

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