March 7, 2012

WTF Nickelodeon


If my daughter is in one of her “moods” (like she is at this very moment) and I’ve tried EVERYTHING to talk her down from the bratty ledge that shes on, there is usually only one thing that will ultimately work – “The Bubble Guppies”. If you are not familiar with these little guppies, its a show on Nickelodeon or Nick Jr (I’m still trying to figure out all these channels) and it has saved my sanity on many of occasions. It follows the adventures of 6 little merbabies/guppies – not entirely sure what they are but she absolutely LOVES…

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March 2, 2012

Meatless Fridays – Pasta


Now that its lent, for the next 9 Fridays, no meat! I have been searching for fish and vegetarian dishes to try out and can’t wait. Who knew I’d be so excited over not being able to have meat. Last Friday I was craving pasta. Nothing fancy, just a simple marinara sauce. MMMM! My husband gets mad at me because I refuse to keep any jarred pasta sauce in the house. It’s one of my weird house rules that MUST be followed. Its way too easy to whip up your own marinara sauce with some fresh ingredients than just popping…

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March 1, 2012

Thirsty Thursday – Strawberry Steintini


I still have mind lapses aka baby brain even though my baby is almost a year old. I have a crazy amount of strawberries because I just keep buying cartons..Thank you baby Brain! So on Saturday night, my husband and I were going stir crazy and decided to drink. Why the hell not, right!? Well, I am due for a Publix trip so we didn’t have much mixers to choose from and I drank all the wine the previous week. Then I got a brilliant idea. My absolute favorite martini is a Strawberry Martini from the Cheesecake Factory. If you…

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February 29, 2012

Memorable 1st Birthday Gift Ideas


I am bashing my head against a wall trying to figure out what to get my niece and daughter for their 1st birthdays. They are 5 weeks apart and I’m sorry, but clothes and little toys will just not cut it for this special milestone. I wanted to get them both something special, fun and meaningful. Something that they will get some use out of for a while and not grow out of it in a few weeks or be bored of in a few hours. Here’s what I have come up with so far: 1. Table & Chairs Set:…

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February 27, 2012

The Letter of the Day is…. E


E for empty. Totally running on empty today and its only 10. Was awoken last night by my husband who has, what me and WebMD have diagnosed as, heat rash. Apperently, heat rash feels like prickly, stinging, annoyance on your body. He was in so much pain he was up till 3:30 am, then finally woke me up to help. I sat there on my iPad trying to figure out the best method of treatment for the extremely accurate diagnosis. First was an oatmeal bath. As easy as it sounds, its quite tedious to concoct. That took about a good…

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February 24, 2012

Steakhouse Quality Soup & Salad


Not to toot my own or horn or anything but my Valentine’s meal to my husband was probably one of the best meals I have ever made. Normally when I cook a big meal, I tend to not eat as much. I guess it’s some kind of psychological thing since I usually slave all day cooking it, who knows. But I went to town on that shit. Seconds and thirds type shit! Again, not tooting my own horn, but beep-motha-effin-beep!! It really was like going to a steakhouse. Well, minus the $300 bill. Not sure why I haven’t attempted this…

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February 23, 2012

Thristy Thursday – Watermelon Mint Cocktail


I have been on the biggest lemonade kick lately. Found this recipe for a watermelon-mint lemonade and was intrigued. I had all the ingrediants in the house and whipped up a batch. It was delish! So refreshing and yummy but it was missing something……… Vodka. Adding a little bit of vodka or rum will make this drink over the top! So ring in the spring with a refreshing, fruity cocktail!!! Watermelon Mint Cocktail 4 cups seedless watermelon 1 1/2 cups lemonade 1/2 cup mint 1/2 cup vodka, run or tequila Puree the watermelon and lemonade in a blender or immersion…

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February 22, 2012

40 Days 40 Nights


Today starts Lent! Whoohoo! I look forward this time of year for many reasons. Love Easter and all that comes with it, Spring time, warm(er) weather, self-change and of course, my birthday. 😉 On Ash Wednesday, I usually end up giving up sweets/sugar. This year I thought about changing things and giving up wine for 40 days. JUST KIDDING! HA! Never giving up my wine…. So sugar it is! No sugar for the next 40 days and that means soda, candy, chocolate, ice cream, and anything else that has sugar in it! I of course will eat fruit, but that’s…

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February 21, 2012

When To Start Swim Lessons


Now that my 10-month old is walking like a pro, I thought about getting her involved in some outdoor activities. High on my list is swimming classes. Living in South Florida, its pretty much beach and pool weather all year round, but you can find me there mostly in the spring and summer-that’s when the water isn’t freezing. Well, freezing to a Floridians standard that is. Beyond the fact that we can live in our swim suits all year round, most houses have pools in their back yard. We don’t, but pretty much everyone else in the state does. It…

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February 20, 2012

Capitol Lighting – Lighting It Up for 88 years


I had the pleasure of attending an amazing blogger event at Capitol Lighting to help celebrate their 88th year in business. Eric Lebersfeld (who bore a striking resemblance to celebrity chef Bobby Flay!) warmly greeted us into his store. I didn’t know where to look first with all the gorgeous light fixtures hanging. It was truly a shoppers dream! I mean, how can you beat a place that offers 110% price guarantee and price matching?! In fact, I was so angry I didn’t need a new fixture because so many caught my eye. This 4-generation family-run business started back in…

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