February 21, 2012

When To Start Swim Lessons


Now that my 10-month old is walking like a pro, I thought about getting her involved in some outdoor activities. High on my list is swimming classes. Living in South Florida, its pretty much beach and pool weather all year round, but you can find me there mostly in the spring and summer-that’s when the water isn’t freezing. Well, freezing to a Floridians standard that is. Beyond the fact that we can live in our swim suits all year round, most houses have pools in their back yard. We don’t, but pretty much everyone else in the state does. It…

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November 18, 2011

Mommy and Me


I have a confession. Until this morning I was a “Mommy & Me” virgin. I know I should go to these little groups, I know my lil girl would enjoy and benefit going, but I just never did. I went a whole 7 months without it but I caved. I don’t really have any “mom” friends. I have a couple but figured I should go out and try to make more. I had a few bad experiences with unsocial-clique-y moms but I put that and my paranoia of her getting sick from other babies aside and took an introductory class…

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