July 11, 2012

Is Your Toddler A Drama Queen/King?


Mine is. And I have NO idea where she got it from. ;-P I actually was preparing myself for the tantrums and fits because my whole life I’d hear from family members how crazy I was as a toddler. From sticking my tongue out at complete strangers who were just saying hi to me to cursing out the children in my preschool class. History repeats itself….I just hope she doesn’t start calling people stupid asses. Now the real question is how to handle these tantrums. When she first started them, she would stomp her little chubby feet then drop to…

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May 11, 2012

The 3 Things I Learned In Vegas.


  I just recently returned from a weekend away in Vegas. Mainly the reason why I have been so MIA on here all week. For some reason I can’t seem to get back into the groove of things. Could it have been all the alcohol consumption? Possibly. Could it have been all the exerted energy playing slots and blackjack? Maybe. Could it have been the hot, Nevada sun? Sure, why not. I’ll never tell though, after all, what happens in Vegas stays there. But I will tell you this, while there I learned a few things that just have never…

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May 2, 2012



I’ve got bad iPhone Problems. I was trying to be a good wife and serve my husband dinner. Anyone who knows me, knows that my arms are extremely long and lanky and tend to flail from my body like a wacky waving inflatable arm flailing tube man. As I dished out his dinner, one of my extremities knocked over my giant glass of water. My poor, helpless iPhone laid there, in the stream of gushing water, enjoying a nice cold bath. At that moment, I would normally shift my gears to cleaning the water off my high-maintenance kitchen table. But…

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April 30, 2012

Can You Hang?


  This was the question of the weekend. In preparation for an upcoming trip to Las Vegas, my husband kindly asks me if I think I can hang like you used to. Context meaning, can I still party like a rock star for an extended long period of time with out being an old lady. He has had more of an opportunity to test his limits than I have lately, I mean, one of us has to be the responsible one right? We do have a child after all. Although, I wouldn’t mind going on a drinking bender every once…

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April 24, 2012

The Best Feeling In The World


  Have you ever been away for the weekend, slept in a a different bed for 2 days, tossing and turning? Have you ever been away for the weekend and your suit case was perfectly packed when you left but then as the weekend continued on it turned into one big wrinkled and mangled mess? Or how about lounging on someone else couch for an entire weekend and not getting as comfortable like you do on your own soft and cozy couch? Well, the absolute BEST feeling in the world is coming home from an entire weekend away to a…

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April 2, 2012

I Hate You, Ugly Toy Pile.


I don’t know what it is, maybe it’s the fact I’ve been gone all weekend and away from my house or that it’s freaking Monday, but I hate everything today.  I woke up, looked around my room and wanted to vomit. I walked past the laundry room and saw the over flowing dirty clothes bin. Ew. I immediately slammed the door shut so I never have to see it again. Then I walk downstairs and spot this: An ugly,disorganized pile of toys. I thought that wicker basket was the best idea back when I bought it on one of my…

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March 28, 2012



  My sugar sabbatical for 40 days is slowly coming to an end. I can’t even tell you how slowly slowly is going.  I’m dying! My will power is getting the best of me. The cravings are getting worse and worse. BLEH!! I try to keep my mind off the sugar, I consume fruit to suppress the unbearable cravings. But then I look in my pantry and all I want to do is eat a fucking piece of candy!!!!!! I’ve lasted through birthday parties with tons of cookies, rice krispies treats, Twizzlers, cake pops and mounds of chocolate. I’ve lasted…

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February 10, 2012

It’s a Walkoff.


Baby A has officially become a walker. F$#&ing S@#$. Mother F$%#er. I thought babies were supposed to start this crap after they turned 1. Not at 10 freaking months old! She is terrorizing the entire house and running me ragged. I gotta admit, she looks so damn cute waddling around with her hands in the air. Ha! So to all you mahhhms out there that are probably laughing and pointing, knowing what lies ahead for me with this mobile beast, any advice? Any warnings? Any words of wisdom?? ANYTHING?!!!!? – Amanda

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February 4, 2012

Hustle Like A Girl Scout


No joke, these chicks are EVERY WHERE! I go to the grocery store, there they are. I go to the doctors office, there they are. I go out to eat, whattayah know, they are there, posted up right by the entrance. To every store in the entire world. Waiting, lurking with their cute little smiles and overly zealous parent chaperon. I go to great lengths to avoid these girls. But I got sucked into their web of lies and bought a box of Thin Mints. So today, my husbands friend and I were shopping and about 3 little scouts were…

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February 2, 2012

May I Have…This Dance


In efforts to make Baby A laugh last week, I started dancing like a spastic maniac around my living room. In the middle of one of my weird arm-jerking moves, I pulled a muscle in my neck and shoulder. I feel like such a tool for even saying that, but I got nothing to hide. So yesterday morning I wake up and can’t move my neck left or right and I have numbness down my entire arm. I immediately call my sister who is a Physical Therapist and she broke the news to me that I most likely have a…

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